The comments are pure cope and screeching, wonder how r*ddit will react to their daddy Musk now.

    2 years ago

    I love how one of the Ukrainian officials’ reaction was “no Ukrainian will buy your shitty Tesla now”.

    Muh man…Ukrainian market is barely a blip on Tesla’s radar. Also, show some gratitude for Elon stealing americans’ taxes with the help of his senile buddy to send you Starlink terminals, damn.

    P.S. Fuck you anyway, Elon, but nice trolling.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
      312 years ago

      It’s interesting that only thing you hear from that country(other than nazis and west bootlicking of course) is politicians who only screech, yell, curse and throw temper tantrums on whoever even mildly mentions it even if that will prove negative for them. Bunch of cry babies and idiots, literal children in adult bodies.

    • Ratette (she/her)
      2 years ago

      Lmao oh no what will Ukraine’s booming electric car industry do if their officials ban another thing to protect their fascist interests 🤣

  • Drstrange2love
    422 years ago

    the world situation is really ugly when Musk gives a reasonable opinion on the matter

      222 years ago

      It would have been a reasonable proposal back in March. It is no longer a reasonable proposal in fact it is a complete non-starter for both sides, it will not and cannot happen. Russia has already accepted the accession of the four new oblasts. Proposals like this show that in the west they fundamentally still do not understand where Russia stands.

      • Of course it won’t happen. It would very likely not change the voting results (although Russia may not want to risk Amerika influencing the voting and/or just don’t want to go through the trouble of organizing the referenda again – it probably isn’t worth the trouble since the referenda weren’t intended to convince the West, anyway), but either way, Amerika definitely won’t allow this because it would actually give Russia clear legitimacy

    272 years ago

    And then Zelensky makes a poll which was immediately infested with bots. Because those millions and millions of votes were soooo organic.

      242 years ago

      Doesn’t even need to be bots. Just Western public in general deciding they know what the people of the Donbass want and voting on the poll. They wouldn’t even need to spam. There’s just hordes of the lumpenprole tools