The taste is so aromatic compared to just regular coffee.

  • 1-2 Cardamon pods
    Grind up fine, put in cup
  • 1-2 tsp of coffee
    To fill out the coffee
  • Hot water, and maybe milk
    If you really want to you can put the ground cardamon into a small siv (can’t spell) and pour the water around it instead of having it in the bottom.
    My Syrian friend made this coffee for me and he said that you mix the coffee beans and the cardamon pods, so I tried just cardamon in hot water which was nice by itself, and now I’ve upgraded the experience of Syrian Coffee with both the cardamom and coffee.
  • 10_0@lemmy.mlOPM
    2 years ago

    I haven’t tried it, I’m gonna check my cupboard for some spices and see what I can do, what’s the basic ingredients needed for the chai?
    Also you can grind or crush the Cardamom I’ve found that grinding most effective at getting out the taste.

    • SalamanderA
      2 years ago

      I am drinking the Syrian coffee right now. I added 3 rather than 2 cardamon pods because I thought 2 was not enough to get the taste, but that was a mistake. 3 is too many!

      what’s the basic ingredients needed for the chai?

      Hmm, I would say that water, black tea, milk, and a mix of spices. I always see cardamom, cloves, and black pepper in the recipes, and the other spices vary. When I was in India they always added lots of sugar to make it sweet. Personally I don’t add the sugar because it is less unhealthy that way, but when I tried it in India they did add lots of sugar. And it does taste very nice with sugar.

      • 10_0@lemmy.mlOPM
        2 years ago

        Do you get the black tea as leaves, or in regular tea paper-pouches? I’ll try the basic chain first and tryout all the different variety.
        1 for subtle taste 2 for intense taste : )

        • SalamanderA
          2 years ago

          1 for subtle taste 2 for intense taste : )

          I went for extra intense. It was definitely drinkable, but it became a cardamon drink with coffee rather than coffee with cardamon. I will go for subtle next time :p

        • SalamanderA
          2 years ago

          I get the loose black tea from the indian shop, it comes in this form. I look at the ‘packaged date’ and choose the freshest one.

          I have this one at the moment:

          I think that the more traditional tea is the Assam tea. But any black tea would work.