There are so many podcasts out there, it’s hard to decide which to actually keep up with. I personally listen to every deprogram episode ASAP, same with probably canceled, Qanonanonymous, and the climate water project, I listen to turn leftist (excluding the debates), i listen to most of multipolarista, the socialist program, unauthorized disclosure, and knowledge fight as they come out, and I am currently going through the back catalogue of programmed to chill and the poor proles almanac. I am consider adding antifada, Dixieland of the proletariat, truanon and chapo, among others, but I don’t know if I can find the bandwidth

    2 years ago

    I used to be into Chapo, but it stopped being good. I’m trying to get into the Deprogram, but it feels not good in a similar way. Different. The Chapo vibe is way more colonialist liberal. But something about the rambling format just doesn’t work for me. I bring it up in hopes that maybe someone has a framework for analyzing what I don’t like that these 2 different groups seem to share.