Before I welcome you all to this weeks Discusstion post I would like to mention that as many of you know, the Former prisident of the Peoples Republic of China, our Comrade Jiang Zemin passed away on November 30th of leukemia. I would like to wish, on behalf of the mod team of GenZedong, and I hope on behalf of the community that we wish our Comrade, Jiang Zemin to rest in peace, his memory shall not be forgotten.

With that out of the way, now I would like to welcome everybody agian! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there, all I ask is that you use a coaster as I just refinished all the tables. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

We have our own Matrix homeserver at; you can make an account with any Matrix client (e.g. Element). We also have a GenZedong Matrix room (see the sidebar for more information), if you just need more communism talk there is the general Lemmygrad Matrix room at Join our Discord if you are so inclined

Short reading list for new MLs here. To find theory (and other books), you can use z-lib, libgen, or Sci-Hub (for scientific articles). If an article is unavailable, try the Wayback Machine.

  • DankZedong
    161 year ago

    The plans for our youth group are beginning to take shape and I must say I am optimistic about things we can achieve. We might be able to start an actual decently sized movement.

    151 year ago

    Approximately 2 hours from now Hong Kong will be observing 3 mins silence for Jiang Zemin. idk if this is nationwide or just in HK, but all are welcome to join the observation wherever you are.

    151 year ago

    Looking over the tweet about that Ukrainian soldier dancing again, the fix is officially in. Soooo many replies about how brave and lovely they are, complete infantilization. And anyone questioning why the government thinks it’s appropriate to post cute dances is being shouted down as a traitor or a Russian troll. The scariest thing about all of this is how so many people genuinely can’t see that they’re being conned. Ukraine is lying to our faces and America is just lapping it up.

      81 year ago

      Ukraine is lying to our faces and America is just lapping it up

      Why wouldn’t it? This entire mess was a US project to begin with. Kiev authorities are only able to broadcast their BS around the globe because of the US media machine.

      111 year ago

      I like to remind myself that if Liberals were making the big descisions, we’d have been in a nuclear war with Russia, China AND Iran in March of this year.

        • 陈卫华是我的英雄
          51 year ago

          In reality, Russia and China would win a nuclear war. By “win”, I mean that we’d probably lose most of our population, but not nearly as badly as the West. The Americans’ most advanced ICBM, the Minuteman III, was designed in the 1970s and runs of FLOPPY DISCS. Against Chinese and Russian air defences, they’ll get shot down and most of the damage will probably be from the collateral damage of those things falling into the ocean. As for Western ADs, they can’t even shoot down Houthi drones. TLDR those folks aren’t just bloodthirsty, they are genuinely delusional

    • 陈卫华是我的英雄
      41 year ago

      I honestly spent an hour explaining dialectical materialism and the effects and significance of finance capital exports on international geopolitics to a lib and then they just said “well my high school taught me about supply and demand, which means that if France dominates Africa economically it’s because they asked for it” and then I had to explain that this was actually rooted in the fact that France kinda invaded Africa a couple hundred years ago and forced this on them and the lib just said “we westerners have values and wouldn’t do that” like bro wtf

    1 year ago

    I’ve been temp banned from reddit for a week for “inciting violence” guess I’m in the based department right now EDIT Permaban yayyyyy

        61 year ago

        I wasn’t, just venting some stuff (on the apposite community BTW) and reddit straight up banned me

        • alunyanneгs 🏳️‍⚧️♀️
          1 year ago

          Reddit literally doesn’t want any new users.

          Think about it.

          Most subreddits delete your post for no reason or for stupid reasons, demand a morbillion imaginary internet points to even “gain the privilege” of posting/replying and now outright ban you for no reason - be it an informed (normal ban) or an uninformed (shadowban) one.

          And don’t forget that it’s been astroturfed and filled to the brim with liberals - scratched and unscratched.

          I’d say Reddit just did you a favour instead.

            91 year ago

            That’s unfortunate only bcs it has some niche communities, but fortunate because even those communities are filled to the brim with liberalism

        • stasis
          61 year ago

          yet another thing you can get banned from reddit for

  • Absolute
    111 year ago

    Good morning comrades I hope we all have fulfilling and productive weeks

  • 陈卫华是我的英雄
    1 year ago

    Using Python, I’ve calculated that by the end of this winter, Ukraine will have lost 40% of its 2021 population through exodus or death. Dear Ukrainians! NATO is definitely your friend here! They care about your lives very much as they try to use your country as a battering ram against Russia! /s (PS Someone please repost this to Tw*tter or R@ddit, they must see the truth)

    91 year ago

    I saw this 2 months old thread just today, is nutomic one of lemmy’s admins and did he really join wolf balls? I’m confused

    • If I recall correctly, the wolfballs admin master of balls was soliciting people to join wolfballs in threads. There was discussion to ban him since he’s advertising for a fascist instance, but nutomic was opposed to banning him.

  • DankZedong
    71 year ago

    Rolling Loud took over Woo Hah, one of the biggest Dutch/European hip hop festivals last year. This year they changed the entire setup for next year, changing it from a festival in the woods with a 3 day camping to a 2 day event in the middle of Rotterdam. They destroyed the entire chill hippy camping vibe that was absolutely golden about the festival to turn it into a 2 day commercial event and everyone is pissed about it.

    Is there anything Americans can’t ruin?

  • BloodToSpillToday!
    61 year ago

    Also to whom it may concern, our site in Vietnamese has a slight flaw: The button for posting (a comment or a post) is incorrectly translated into Bài đăng which is ‘post’ as a noun, the correct word would have been ‘Đăng bài’ (post) or ‘Đăng bình luận’ (post comment) or simply ‘Gửi’ (send).

  • DankZedong
    51 year ago

    I’m considering getting a mullet but I also drank an entire bottle of Chilean wine just now

  • DankZedong
    51 year ago

    The Moroccans over here are now honking and lighting fireworks non stop. Shit is crazy.

    • BloodToSpillToday!
      41 year ago

      Dude in my dormitory I thought they fucking rioted

      And I wasn’t even there, heard the thing from a video the bois recorded but still