• oakey66@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    I hate how this focuses on the other doctors that she had to leave behind. And not the brutality of killing children in hospitals. It’s hard not to view all of these American articles from the perspective of an anti Palestinian lens.

    • fossilesqueOP
      10 months ago

      Sometimes it helps to deal with Western audiences by showing them really blatantly that these events are happening to people like them, that way you can doge the lingering effects of decades of the War on Terror style fear and it’s propaganda of dehumanising Muslims. This article is meant to appeal towards the good nature of most ‘normal’ people who are traditionally susceptable to those types of often subtle propaganda and are not super informed, though I’d love to see a more detailed interview once she has some time to breathe. It obviously will fall short for those invested in the topic.

      • oakey66@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        Agreed. I just don’t know that this interview would happen with western media. It seems to me that these narratives can only exist within the narrow guardrails of ADL defined speech. I have no doubt that she’s a sane person who is traumatized by the killing of civilians. These interviews are highly policed here. That’s the real shame.

      • DoomBot5@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        It’s unfortunate western audiences ignore anything that doesn’t involve actual deaths. Living under constant rocket fire? “but nobody died, so you’re fine”.

    • downpunxx@kbin.social
      10 months ago

      You mean the hospital that PIJ bombed when trying to shoot missiles into Israel, or the hospital in the refugee camp Hamas blew up when once again one of their bomb factories detonated, or the myriad of other Hospitals, Mosques, Schools that Hamas, and PIJ, burrowed tunnels underneath to store weapons, and hide? Were those the Hospitals that you were referring to mayhaps? These Muslim terrorists were homegrown in Gaza, with full knowledge of what would happen, and to whome the majority of suffering would fall up in they attacked Jews, with the Gazan “Palestinian” communities support and blessing, 4000 invaded Israel, raped, beheaded, burnt alive, and slaughtered close to 2000 on October 7th.

      The “Palestinians” sacrificed their and their children’s safety and very lives, for their terrorists, for DECADES, killed so many innocent civilians in Israel, and now they’re dying for them, hope it’s worth it. Never seemed like it would be for the DECADES they were warned to stop, but hey, they got assholes like you to weep for them.

  • downpunxx@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    poor poor “palestinian” cinnamon rolls, never did nothin to nobody

    no one gets to invade israel, rape, behead, burn, and slaughter jews, and live to do it again

    awww cry me a fucking river, guess instead of having all those islamofascist muslim nations vote against israel time and time again, they should have gotten egypt to invade gaza sooner, through it’s land crossing in raffah, to root out hamas, pij, and all the other terrorists who attack israel. what is that you say, the united nations islamofascists don’t mind when muslim terrorists attack israel and kill jews, only when jews respond with force in their defense?

    you don’t say

    Gaza was given to Arabs for self rule and determination in 2005, all Jews left Gaza, even Jewish graveyards were dug up and moved, it was theirs to do with as they liked.

    They’ve spent the last 18 years making into a terrorist Disneyland with a dozen Islamofascist terrorist organizations with the stated goal of killing Jews and destroying the state of Israel, they’ve fired hundreds of thousands of missiles into Israel indiscriminately targeting civilians, and launched countless cross borders attacks against Jewish civilians, including one that caused the largest loss of Jewish life in any single day, anywhere, since the Holocaust on October 7th.

    They were given Gaza to live in freedom and self determination, they used it to kill Jews. They were warned. They chose to ignore the warnings.

    These acts of terrorism were perpetrated by the entire Gazan community, they voted for Hamas, and allowed Hamas to rule their government for the last 17 years, Hamas and all the other Islamic terrorists in Gaza are not outsiders, they were born in Gaza of Gazans, they were raised in Gaza, they were educated in Gaza, they married and had children of their own in Gaza, their Parents, teachers, mosques, hospitals, are all in Gaza, from which they use to hid and store weapons to attack Jews, Hamas, PIJ and all the other Islamic terrorist in Gaza ARE Gaza, there has been no uprising in Gaza, there have only been attacks on Israel. This is what Gazans have supported and sacrificed for in every way they possibly could.

    And now it’s here. I do hope they enjoy what they’ve worked generationaly to achieve.

    There will be no ceasefire this time.