I have always been discovering new things about Linux distros while distro hopping. And when I get something I really like, I just copy the package name and make sure I install it in every distro I use in the future.
Let me start:
- Clipboard manager (Gpaste)
- KDE connect
@Owell1984 Having #vim and #tmux in liveOS should be standard practice.
I didn’t know about tmux. I haven’t heard much about it. What’s it’s purpose and what use would it have for a general user?
@Owell1984 @eshep tmux and Vim are the 2 things I return to every couple of years. I commit to using them everywhere so everything gets stuck in muscle memory and it all becomes second nature. And then I get sick of it and say screw that (for a year or two).
@Owell1984 @eshep It has 2 basic functions:
@Owell1984 @eshep 2. Your tmux session runs in a server process, so if you close the enclosing terminal or disconnect from your SSH session, everything in your tmux session keeps running and you can reconnect to it later on.
You can also have a bunch of tmux sessions running in a single tmux server, and switch between them with a couple of keystrokes.
Once you start using tmux (or screen) it’s very hard to imagine going back to life without it!
@Owell1984 @normalmode I’m perty sure I’d go mad if I had no way of installin one of em. 😅
@Owell1984 It’s a terminal multiplexer. If you’ve heard of screen, it’s very similar. Maybe not so useful for a “general user”, but I find it indispensably useful on those occasions where I need a live disc.
@eshep@social.trom.tf @normalmode@mastodon.social Thanks guys, I will be trying to learn Bash soon, I am gonna install tmux. As for vim, obv, I have it installed :')