Their concerts were banned in Serbia recently and were apparently also banned before in Moscow, Leningrad and Minsk because of pressure from church because their music is ‘‘satanic’’.

Since I read this reason why they were banned, I immediately knew it’s the the usual bullshit, church call everything it doesn’t like ‘‘satanic’’, they ban it etc.

So what are your thoughts on them?

    11 months ago

    don’t particularly like them but I’ve got a peculiar taste when it comes to metal

    they’re a curious band to bring out in a leftist forum, seeing as the OG lineup had some sort of falling out and the two remaining parties formed they’re own Batushka (so I’m not even sure which one is the one that you mention)

    they also walk a fine contradiction of being, as you say, “satanic”-associated but using liturgical music/chants and imagery in their albums (it’s part of the gimmick anyway and probably the reason they got somewhat popular)