We have an influx of Liberandus here on lemmygrad too. Let’s deprogram.
I think on Lemmygrad we should really be proactive with banning.
only when subjects don’t show any improvements and are persistent with same old attitude of – “not gonna get it”.
Or a proactive ban in case downvote rates surpass 30%.
Yeah for sure, if people are just lacking education and are willing to learn then we should do everything to help them out. We just need to keep the trolls out.
Would it be ok if down voted and upvoted posts were visible to mods as per “our instance our rule” or it would look/go bad for community?
It would to keep trolls and - only trolls - out without any false positives.
hard to say, but I think reporting is really the tool for this, when we see people acting like trolls then we report and that should be that
I remember in the early days of the reddit migration when you guys complained that instances immediately defederated you, now you’ve changed your minds? Maybe you just should defederate all other instances and have it over with.
Nah, we’d miss all your seething and coping.
This is actually a good idea.
nah, the working class will be rallied by convincing. its the only way really.
ban the rowdy snarky ones who come here to troll, but talk on good faith with the ones who do too.
I agree, people who genuinely want to have a discussion and learn are fine. It’s the trolls that just create noise who need weeding out.
Please ban me you fucking degenerates, jesus christ, I don’t want to see your braindead content.
U can just stop browsing here…?
ukronazi supporter
mega sus fam
Lets destroy a sovereign country and annex it because:
- some people there may be nazis
- sudeten, oops, russian minority
- being pro-Amerikkka
How do you even exist with yourselves. You are a joke.
of course, a nation is truly sovereign after a fascist coup planned and funded by a foreign government, this makes perfect sense
And it’s truly sovereign after it gets destroyed and annexed by a different foreign government, really?
Fuck western nations but like also fuck Putin’s Russia
After the fascist coup, Crimea and the Donbas very reasonably wanted to separate from the new government. The coup government reacts by sending fascists to occupy the Donbas. Russia waits for almost a decade, trying multiple times to make a deal with the coup government and its backers to leave the Donbas alone and let it have some level of autonomy. The coup government repeatedly violates both of the Minsk agreements and continues killing civilians. Russia finally accepts the request from the DPR and LPR to send troops into the region. Ukraine continues attacking the Donbas and eventually Russia and the Donbas republics decide that they have to enter Ukraine in order to stop the attacks. During this time, Russia attempts many times to negotiate a peace deal, which Ukraine’s coup government almost accepts until some imperialist mascot like Boris Johnson travels to Kyiv and tells Zelensky not to accept the deal. As a result, the war continues.
but clearly this is all Russia’s fault
Anyone claiming that all nations involved aren’t highly culpable for the destruction of Ukraine are pretty ignorant of the situation.
But to go to bat for the literal invaders? Wild.
Yuck, you’re disgusting and I hope your dreams are full of dead Ukranian children. I think I’m going back to Reddit
You mean like the ones the fascist Maidan regime murdered in the Donbass while carrying out their genocide?. I hope all the kids in the alley of angels haunt your dreams, fascist!
Edit: removed death threat.
personal insults aside, I’m curious if you read the comment and have some kind of rebuttal to it
Let’s not kid ourselves, people, they are both nazi regimes. Russia is not the USSR, it is a mafia state. The existence of the Ukrainian and Russian governments is a crime against humanity, they are not our friends.
Instead of helping one side or the other, we should destroy them both. Putin and Zelensky should be hanged and their illegitimate fascist governments should be overthrown.
Once the Western thugs have dealt with either one of them. There would certainly be a in-fighting between these capitalists lusting after power and gold.
Yeah, but not by any NATO country
Yea, there’s a lot of stuff that the western media doesn’t report on.
Western media is like a well curated feed of coverage of events around the world in a way that creates a perception of world among the readers that suits their masters.
Yep. It’s all directed by secret services in a dialectical relationship with the haute bourgeoisie. They don’t even hide it. They just gaslight us and say that even though the CIA and a handful of billionaires own and run so many media outlets, they’re all independent because a watchdog they set up said so.
Tankie media is like a well curated feed of coverage of events around the world in a way that creates a perception of world among the readers that suits their masters.
No u
deleted by creator
manufactured consent? They got invaded by one of the main european enemies, a literal oligarchy, it’s pretty easy to root for the underdog there
if anything russia is manufacturing consent in their country more than it’s happening in europe/US
No investigation, no right to speak
investigation? what the fuck are you talking about
man you guys are strange
It’s from Mao’s book called “oppose book worship”
it’s pretty short, read it: https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm
They got invaded by one of the main european enemies, a literal oligarchy
imagine thinking European countries aren’t oligarchies
its true, you really have to go to famously anti-western news sources like CNN to find out about it
oh man or the guardian, bless them and their fight against that darn western media
And then when you say you don’t support Ukraine, you’re the Nazi.
that’s right, people who don’t support literal nazis are actually nazis
No people with SS tattoos are literal nazis
somebody should let western left know
This is bizarre. You motherfuckers don’t see how stupid you look from the outside? Get fucked!
“from the outside” meaning from the viewpoint of pro-imperialists?
And then you have PMC Wagner which is named after Hitler’s favorite composer. Wagner, also the callsign of its founder Dmitry Utkin. Pictured here with a nice SS tattoo.
All big coincidences I’m sure :)
Edit: downvote away hypocrites :D
I ain’t gonna cry for them, Nazi battalions shooting other Nazi battalions is just my stuff 🥰
you know it’s complete bullshit when even the wikipedia article of the dude calls it out:
In 2016, Utkin was pictured at a ceremony in the Kremlin intended to honor the courage of military personnel and civilians, but he hasn’t been seen in public since.
Famous defenders of Ukraine, the Azov Battalion:
What do those logos mean? 🤔
You tell me, a tattoo design for Dmitry?
There are right-wing cocksuckers in every army, in every nation. Weirdly enough fascists and nationalists love to join the army hmmmm
Weird how there’s only one army which commonly runs around with fascist symbols tho.
Weird how there’s only one country’s army invading their neighbor though
Do you purposefully include “their neighbor” because you know your statements would apply the the US invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan otherwise? Is invading a neighboring country somehow worse than invading one on the other side of the world?
This is just pattently untrue, there are boarder skermishes arround the world, and the nation with the most active conflicts in the world at any moment is the United States.
I’m glad we agree that “Israel” isn’t a country, but I’m reasonably sure Turkey exists
you think Isreal doesnt exist?
Sadly (for you) Utkin did not found Wagner…
Yep, they’re bad too, congratulations
Who made this?
It looks like it says Drall in the corner idk tho.
For the new users here, I recommend reading the following thread to understand why lemmygrad users take the stance they take: https://lemmygrad.ml/comment/418335
Is there a particular reason why many of y’all here seem to support Russia in this conflict? It seems to me that Russia are the aggressors, and I kind of understand why Russia invaded Ukraine (strategic location and reduce their border with NATO), but isn’t it still the case that Ukrainian and Russian citizens shouldn’t have to suffer and be annexed to Russia? I’m asking this question in good faith, I’m still a baby socialist.
In particular, I recommend @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml’s comment in that thread.
I also recommend reading this post: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/687025 (Titled «A comment on the Russia/NATO war»)
Wait. You guys spread putins propaganda? Rly?
You guys spread putins propaganda?
Western media used to spread Putin propaganda before February 2022 too, look.
Listen Jack, there’s no propaganda, anyway Cornboy war a bad hombre shakes hand of absent person showers nazis in money
Wait. You spread bidens propaganda? Rly?
Nazis in Ukraine doesn’t justify the war, but it needs to be fucking addressed.
We are sending billions in weapons to Ukraine without the faintest idea where they end up, and which hands get to store them. Edit: We kind of do know, but close our eyes to that reality.
Last time we did this, it was Taliban/ISIS/Al-Queda. Shouts out to our Anti-Soviet freedom fighter Osama Bin Laden:
White ISIS might be just around the corner.
So what can we do? End the war.
Peace negotiations and humanitarian help for the people caught in the middle. Fuck Russia, but also fuck America and NATO. We(Western nations) provoked this war, and it has been brewing for at least a decade. We did absolutely nothing to prevent it. On the contrary: We supported fascists and nazis in Ukraine, and expanded militarybases across Russian borders.
Ukraine has a serious Nazi problem. You’re going to have to grow up and learn to deal with the real world.
The world has a serious nazi problem. Russia has way bigger nazi problems. Poland is run by the PiS, nazis.
You wanna see the real world honey? Nazis are all over, and it just helps the facist putin to support his claim of nazis in Ukraine
Show me anywhere in the world that has open Nazi units serving in the military.
Show me anywhere in the world that openly celebrates Nazis as national holidays.
Show me anywhere in the world that renames streets, shopping malls, stadiums after Nazis.
Show me anywhere in the world that runs Nazi indoctrination camps for children.
I can show you all of these for Ukraine.
Over to you. Darling.
Show me anywhere in the world that openly celebrates Nazis as national holidays.
Latvia comes immediately to mind, which coincidentally is one of the most zealous supporters of Ukraine and USA.
Thanks, wasn’t aware.
Legionnaire day is not an officially recognized public holiday in Latvia since 2000.
98 to 00, yes kinda. It really was a remembrance day for Latvian soldiers, 1st and 2nd legion who won a battle against red army. Unfortunately those legions were part of Waffen-SS.
All of the Balkans do that too. Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia have open nazis and fascists serving and commanding their militaries. Croats after the Ustaše, Bosniaks too. Serbs on the other hand glorify the Chetniks, rehabilitate mass murderers and anti-communist war criminals (rehabilitated Nikola Kalabic a few days ago as we speak). There is no city in Bosnia that has not got a street, school or sport club named after a Ustaša, or a Chetnik or a Bosniak radical muslim fascist. That doesn’t only happen in Ukraine. Greece, Bulgaria, Romania they all do it too.
Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia have open nazis and fascists serving and commanding their militaries
I really wonder how that came to be, don’t click here it has nothing to do with it ;)
The world has a serious nazi problem
Agreed, but some countries have it worse than others. I’m sure there’s some nazoids lurking around in the shadows in China or Vietnam, but the issue in Ukraine is that they are in the government and have a pretty significant representation in the army.
Russia has way bigger nazi problems
Russia is pretty far from perfect and people who idolize Putin are lost, but in this regard they are leagues above Ukraine.
PiS, nazis.
What are you talking about xD
They are at best christo-fascists who peddle both anti-communism and anti-hitlerism to peddle their disgusting political line. You want Polish fascists who tend to have nazi tendencies? Look no further than Korwin and their little new coalition “Nowa Nadzieja”.
Oh and I almost forgot, that our liberals tend to call PiS’s social programs (used to sway public opinion towards them, by abusing the people who need material help the most) “socialism”.
You wanna see the real world honey?
Redditor nie uniżaj innym nie mając twardych dowodów czelendż (NIEMOŻLIWY)
Remember when Andrzej Duda came out after entire night of brainstorming after the missile killed 2 people in Poland and said “There is absolutely no reason to suspect it was deliberate attack on Poland”?
Literal Kremlin propagandist apparently, according to what i read in reddit immediately after the event.
You’re right: it supports his claim of Nazis in Ukraine to point out that there are Nazis in Ukraine. I guess we should just keep pretending that Azov & co. aren’t Nazis so we don’t do that. Next we should stop breathing oxygen so we don’t support Putin’s claim that breathing oxygen is good.
I agree we should wage unlimited warfare on all fascists, and I support Ukrainian fascists killing Russian fascists, let them take care of each other. Your point?
No investigation, no right to speak
Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived of the right to speak on it. Isn’t that too harsh? Not in the least. When you have not probed into a problem, into the present facts and its past history, and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will undoubtedly be nonsense. Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak? Quite a few comrades always keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense, and for a Communist that is disgraceful. How can a Communist keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense?
It won’ t do!
It won’t do!
You must investigate!
You must not talk nonsense!
I think the first question you should ask yourself is why do you think Putin spreads propaganda, but the western media spreads the truth and facts?
You’re definitely not living in Russia or in one of the neighbouring countries, bet.
Not the person you responded to, but I’m in the US (which technically does have a border with Russia). At least in the state I grew up in, the education system definitely had anti-communist propaganda in the schools.
You don’t have to support Russia, but you shouldn’t deny facts. It’s well-known that the Azov Battalion has Nazis prevalent.
Not just azov, also aidar, tornado, the territorial defense units, the SBU, a shitload o UA soldiers run around with UPA patches, so them too…
I’m sure, but Azov is so well known they couldn’t deny it.
As I replied in somewhere else in this thread “There are right-wing cocksuckers in every army, in every nation. Weirdly enough fascists and nationalists love to join the army hmmmm”
But let me rephrase “neighbouring countries” as ex-ussr countries. They’re all lining up to join Russia again.
There are right-wing cocksuckers in every army, in every nation. Weirdly enough fascists and nationalists love to join the army hmmmm
Sure, but you’re conveniently ignoring the issue of prevalence. As an extreme example, do you think the US military and Nazi Germany had the same amount of Nazis?
They’re all lining up to join Russia again.
Even Ukraine? Wouldn’t you think they’d embrace Putin with open arms then instead of bothering to fight back then?
As an extreme example, do you think the US military and Nazi Germany had the same amount of Nazis?
I’m on your side for the rest of the post, but this example isn’t great imo. The US is absolutely a Nazi country, they were just more successful in their settler genocide. They literally have the largest prison pop in the whole world, full of impoverished people of color who are literally enslaved. Many in prison are sterilized against their will. They have for generations killed millions and millions of people abroad to stop communism and immiserate and expropriate those populations. Like I could go on, but Nazi Germany was inspired by the US. They even said the US went a little too far. The US won the war and is the most powerful country on the planet, so they wrote the history and they control the media narrative, so we can pretend like the Germans were worse
I agree with everything you said. It wasn’t the best example.
The part about everyone lining up to join Russia was sarcastic. No ex-ussr country wants to go back to how things were.
You know nothing, it must be difficult as a 15 year old Western kid to think you can speak for Eastern Europeans.
Best case scenario you’re Polish or Hungarian, and have guzzled stories from your fascist grandparents about the horrors of the Union.
“Soviet Union bad” So you’d rather those dirty subhuman asiatics stayed uncivilized and barbaric instead of becoming the second-strongest world power? Are we a little… afraid?
My Eastern European family had to flee Ukraine when the Nazis decided to slaughter their entire town during the Holocaust. I’m sure it was just terrible for the Nazis left behind to have Communists come in, so sad
You mean when life expectancy was higher and alcoholism was lower?
What does this have to do with anything?
I mean the Azov Batallion is a nazi organization. This is commonly accepted knowledge and a result of Stepan Bandera (a nazi who wanted independence from the Soviet Union) being the primary driver of nationalist sentiment in Ukraine. The western media just want to pretend like the fact that they ‘only’ run the propaganda for the National Guard isn’t bad enough to make every soldier a nazi.
…And that’s a fair point but irrelevant to whether the Ukrainian military has fascist sympathies. Imperialist wars are always motivated by capitalist interests and fought with the blood of workers. The question is who’s material interests those workers are serving, wittingly or no. The Ukrainian ministry is giving a lot of power very specifically to the tiny militia of Azov Batallion which I think answers that question.
Finally, yes it’s also Russian propaganda but that says more about the west than Russia. If the Kremlin can invade a country and make itself look like it has the moral highground while doing it using commonly accepted facts you really fucked up. They might not be on the right side of history, but you are on the really really far outer edge of the wrong side of it.
Well yeah I need these rubles to pay for my faux fur ushankas