Communist, Orthodox Marxist

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • All of the Balkans do that too. Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia have open nazis and fascists serving and commanding their militaries. Croats after the Ustaše, Bosniaks too. Serbs on the other hand glorify the Chetniks, rehabilitate mass murderers and anti-communist war criminals (rehabilitated Nikola Kalabic a few days ago as we speak). There is no city in Bosnia that has not got a street, school or sport club named after a Ustaša, or a Chetnik or a Bosniak radical muslim fascist. That doesn’t only happen in Ukraine. Greece, Bulgaria, Romania they all do it too.

  • The NKPJ has a rather fascist and right-wing view of the Kosovo situation. They parrot the far right movements in the country with the “Kosovo is Serbia” propaganda. They forget that the autonomy that was granted to Kosovo during Yugoslavia was only granted because Serbian nationalists and fascist claimed that it’s Serb territory and that the Albans should be ethnically cleansed. Parroting the narrative that Kosovo is Serbia and not socialist Yugoslavia is the one most destructive thing the NKPJ does to itself. And the only reason the majority of real communists and ML don’t want to join. Titoists rather despise this ethno-nationalistic view of Kosovo. The idea of “Brotherhood and Unity” that created Yugoslavia in the first place is undermined with this worldview.

  • The bourgeoisie and the capitalists by extension always had the same “talking points” and “arguments” through the economic history of the world. The quantity and quality of work was always “put to question” when a change was imminent. When the slaves revolted in the third servile war in Rome there was talk about how the barbarian slaves were lazy, when the serfdom and feudal slavery in Europe was being abolished, the bourgeoisie always agreed how a human free from their idea of work and happiness is a “threat to society”. So knowing history is always enough to beat that kind of “facts” that come from the elites.