A pregnant woman in Kentucky who filed a lawsuit demanding the right to an abortion has learned her embryo no longer has cardiac activity, her attorneys said Tuesday.

The plaintiff’s attorneys signaled their intent to continue the challenge to Kentucky’s near-total abortion ban, but did not immediately comment on what effect the development would have on the lawsuit.

The complaint was filed last week in a state court in Louisville. The plaintiff, identified only as Jane Doe, was seeking class-action status to include other Kentuckians who are or will become pregnant and want to have an abortion. The suit filed last week said she was about eight weeks pregnant.

The flurry of individual women petitioning a court for permission for an abortion is the latest development since Roe v. Wade was overturned last year. The Kentucky case is similar to a legal battle taking place in Texas, where Kate Cox, a pregnant woman with a fatal condition, launched an unprecedented challenge against one of the most restrictive abortion bans in the U.S.

  • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    Look at you all “I think” and “I agree” like you have ANY place deciding for anyone’s fetus but your own – and I doubt very much you have that physical ability, going by that pompous word salad you just retched up.

    Between OB/GYNs fleeing these states with no one to replace them, and any who stay not willing to interfere in any way in medical situation that MIGHT be criminalized by someone who has not spent so much as a single fucking hour in medical school, you and yours are WELL down the road to 19th century levels of both maternal and fetal mortality.

    You spout this ignorance without having the slightest idea that where abortive medical procedures are outlawed, both mothers and babies die far more frequently: it’s not just about abortion, but about allowing doctors to practice without fear. Already women are reporting that they are having problems getting prescriptions for certain teratogenic or abortifacient drugs filled because they are of childbearing age, even though those drugs are for completely unrelated diseases – and that is to say nothing of a woman who gets cancer while pregnant. Chemo kills fetuses. That’s what it does, along with killing cancer cells. But you neither know nor care, you just need to have a say in other people’s lives and pregnancies, no matter what suffering is involved.

    You truly do not give a shit. You just want the world wrapped up in a neat little moral package and to feel like you’re a good person and you’re saving lives . . . while criminalizing the actual life savers involved: the “medical professionals” you are so quick to deride. At least they went to school for it; I can’t imagine you could even wield a coathanger.

    What you espouse is not goodness. What you espouse is flatly evil, like the whitewashed tombs Jesus spoke of, “clean” on the outside but full of death on the inside. What you want is unnecessary death and suffering, far more than you can imagine, all because you can’t stand the thought of a woman’s legs open for anything but procreation: look at your own words.

    abortion if the woman has a bad day or in general do not want to use contraceptives. Like this women who had 15 abortions.

    Look at that shit. Abortions if a woman had a bad day. Abortions if women do not want to use contraceptives. Women who you claim have had “15 abortions” like that’s even a thing (you clearly do not understand what an abortion entails, much less the uterine scraping D&C referred to in the above article). And you choose to post this disgusting personal code for “only women who are sluts need abortion” horseshit on an article where a baby has already died in the womb.

    That’s the level of maturity and compassion you have not just for women, but for sexuality in general.

    Yet you are absolutely convinced that YOU should have a say in some stranger’s uterus, because clearly, if she weren’t a slut she wouldn’t need an abortion, right?

    Wrong. Abortion has been medical care for as long as women have been getting pregnant.

    And before you even have a chance to go there, I would like to note that you have the entire 20th century from which to pluck overwhelming evidence for these statements, and if you’re just too goddamn intellectually lazy for that as well, then try a stroll through an old cemetery and explain to the rest of us why the vast majority of women’s graves have dates of death at less than 30 years of age.

    That 19th century level of disease and death is exactly what you want for women and their unborn children, you have absolutely no solution to the closings of maternity units in underserved areas that are already happening, much less to the flight of OB/GYNs to other states, you have no plan for addressing the medical deserts your short-sighted vicious rules are creating, but that does not deter you at all.

    Instead, you puke forth blatherings like the above, dressing your sexual shame and patriarchal control needs up in sanctimony and hypocrisy, absolutely believing anyone but god-botherers are fooled by this. We are not.

    TL;DR: Speaking solely for myself, I do not give two shits what anyone who is not pregnant has to say or think about anyone who is, unless it is to support their complete right to the privacy of their own healthcare.

    Get a mirror. Take a long hard look in it, because the problem here is not abortion. It is you and your own attitudes toward human sexuality.