It is now 2024, and therefore illegal to be white.
Please refrain from being white.
Please don’t be a mayo-ass, cumskin, kkkrakkker, bleachie, wonder bread, and/or any other form of white.
Respect the law.
It is now 2024, and therefore illegal to be white.
Please refrain from being white.
Please don’t be a mayo-ass, cumskin, kkkrakkker, bleachie, wonder bread, and/or any other form of white.
Respect the law.
Depends on the mood of WASPs or other idiots. Slova Ukroni? That’s whiteness right there! Buuuut go back just a few years aaaaand… “What’s an Ukraine? Ah those dirty ruskies ok.”
What if Croatian? We’re basically Greek, which is basically Turkish, which is basically Arab.
I don’t know, being basically Turkish gets you dangerously close to Caucasia