I had a lot of fun last night cruzing the fediverse on free speech extremist .

We’ve kinda built up a name brand here at wolf balls. Launching and keeping a instance up reliably for over three months with basically less than 5 minutes total downtime.

People don’t yet know how to use the fediverse. I feel like my marketing skills have grown after creating the character master of balls for videos.

This would be an easy expansion for us. I can use the same postgres instance. And market another technology.

What would you guys like to see on a twitter/gab like clone?

Even less censorship ? We could probably allow straight awful shit to be posted and not blacklist it seeing as it’s personal timeline content and users can block users.

Gab doesn’t fulfill my needs because its a walled off garden and it’s UI kinda sucks.

I don’t really trust other instances like free speech extremist. I don’t know if they will be here tomorrow.

What do you guys think?

Probably gonna do it anyways but I’m looking for input from users here to what they would actually use.

  • Spotted_Lady@wolfballs.com
    3 years ago

    Hell, call them all terrorists. If they don’t like it, then stop calling the rest of us Nazis and fascists.

    As far as I am concerned, nearly every Leftist is a terrorist and deserves to be treated as such.

    BTW, Democrats started the KKK. And yes, I know about the ACP and how it hijacked the Democrats and pushed the conservatives to the Republican party. At that point, there was really no conservative party, and the conservatives fled to the least liberal of the 2 liberal parties.

    • Esperantist@wolfballs.com
      3 years ago

      I can only say so much to change your mind on any particular label, but I think my biggest consideration with this blanket labeling of groups (be they groups I agree with or not) is just the history of how the American government treats “terrorists” - and I’m using that word loosely. Once you’re designated a terrorist, all bets are off and despite what’s on paper, you don’t really have any rights. You don’t really even have to go back far to find examples of this.

      The Abu Ghraib prison operated by the US military held people that, by the admission of the former commanding officer of the prison, tortured and executed people who she estimated were 90% innocent. They were just people in the wrong place at the wrong time who happened to be called a terrorist by the wrong person.

      Are you sure it’s a good idea to throw the “terrorist” label around, given what our government does to people who get called terrorists? What happens when it’s you, or your family, or your friends who are on the receiving end of that? I’m pretty far left. I certainly don’t think I deserve that kind of treatment for holding the extremist position that we should have 16 years of taxpayer funded schooling instead of 12, or that we shouldn’t have starving kids in the richest country on Earth. Do you?

      I guess all I’m saying here is that we have to be really careful with how we use words.

      • Spotted_Lady@wolfballs.com
        3 years ago

        To me, those are just leftist talking points. That is what they say when they are not in control or are grappling for more control. All but them are terrorists.

        And I see too many on the Right or somewhere in the middle who want the right to be harmed, or they’d be fighting no holds barred and wishing harm on those who are harming their people, and may Emperor Constantine’s religion of cuckery be damned.

        At this point, anyone who makes excuses for Leftists marginalizing Conservatives is part of the Left, and anyone making excuses for non-whites who harm whites is either an enemy or a traitor.

        I get what you are saying and see it as misapplied. Personally, I never came here to debate, only to express myself and share. I tend to like to state my opinions and move on.