I can only say so much to change your mind on any particular label, but I think my biggest consideration with this blanket labeling of groups (be they groups I agree with or not) is just the history of how the American government treats “terrorists” - and I’m using that word loosely. Once you’re designated a terrorist, all bets are off and despite what’s on paper, you don’t really have any rights. You don’t really even have to go back far to find examples of this.
The Abu Ghraib prison operated by the US military held people that, by the admission of the former commanding officer of the prison, tortured and executed people who she estimated were 90% innocent. They were just people in the wrong place at the wrong time who happened to be called a terrorist by the wrong person.
Are you sure it’s a good idea to throw the “terrorist” label around, given what our government does to people who get called terrorists? What happens when it’s you, or your family, or your friends who are on the receiving end of that? I’m pretty far left. I certainly don’t think I deserve that kind of treatment for holding the extremist position that we should have 16 years of taxpayer funded schooling instead of 12, or that we shouldn’t have starving kids in the richest country on Earth. Do you?
I guess all I’m saying here is that we have to be really careful with how we use words.
I never heard of PirateChain until now, so I skimmed the white paper and it looks pretty cool! I don’t fully understand how the ZCash zero-knowledge transaction system works, admittedly, but it always bothered me that privacy was optional. From my reading it seems like, among other things, Pirate Cash is basically ZCash but with privacy always on, right?
For now I think I’ll stick to Monero, just for the sake of it being battle-tested by criminal groups. It’s sort of like alternative anonymity networks like i2p in my view. They may be superior in every way, but until someone is willing to put their neck on the line betting on that tech, I can’t really be sure how well it works if only because I don’t have the technical background to consider all possible weaknesses to the new system. I still might buy in though, I got into Monero way too late but I’m in now and holding on tight.
Having met a bunch of self-identified antifa people I disagree about them. It’s a nebulous label which isn’t exclusively self-applied, much like the label of WN or Nazi, and as such there’s no “quality control” on who is or isn’t antifa. Anyone can call themselves antifa, or be called antifa. Ideologically there’s no requirement for violence, although plenty of them are certainly prone to it, and it doesn’t seem right to blanket a diverse set of views as terrorist. I hate to use the slippery slope argument because generally they’re pretty weak, but it really is a slippery slope. Without a formally agreed upon definition, you could basically designate any leftist as a terrorist this way.
There’s Pixelfed which I’m pretty sure is supposed to be like a federated Instagram alternative. I’ve never used it or Instagram though so I couldn’t tell you how they stack up against one another.
Do you have a name for this person? Sounds like a fascinating case and I’d love to learn more
Per point 2, managing bitcoind isn’t too difficult. I’m not a great dev but I managed to get it working just to tinker with. The documentation on API usage is pretty good. Do you have any plans of accepting other crypto like XMR or LTC? Bitcoin and Ethereum are good in their own right but neither is great for small transactions because of the high fees, and they aren’t very good privacy-wise either.
If we just go strictly by the initialism, drawn sexual images even if not pornographic don’t seem like the kind of thing that’d be safe to look at at work. Seems fitting to give them an NSFW tag.
Congrats! Who was lucky number 10k?
I’m interested but not if it’s on Instagram. Mirror please?
I hate NFTs so much it’s unreal