So Mr. Bitcoin President of El Salvador has deployed a massive wave of incarcerating violent gang members to combat endemic violence in the country, but also at the cost of civil liberties and also not addressing the root causes of the gang violence in the first place.

Of course, El Salvador has been among the most violent countries in the world in terms of murder rates and violent crimes so something had to be done, but I’m not convinced that this crackdown will do anything but kick the can down the road.

Thoughts? Also, apologies for the Guardian link it was the first summary to come up when I searched it :ohnoes:

  • I said it was unideal but not fascist, not that it “rules”. I agree with you that fighting poverty is the best solution to crime, I just dislike the label fascist being used for a concept so broad it’s happened in basically every society including socialist ones. Also I sent NATOpedia because it’s a short overview and easily readable, maybe take its specifics with a grain of salt.