Finally, a good guy with a gun stopped bad guys with guns. Is this what the NRA has been talking about all this time?
Finally, a good guy with a gun stopped bad guys with guns. Is this what the NRA has been talking about all this time?
Sadly, the statement about Joe Rogan is probably true for 90% of the US reporters.
Meanwhile, women in the US are losing rights with congress all-in on allowing it to happen.
Please don’t suck up bandwidth on Tor with torrents.
Surprised they don’t direct you to police stations so you can turn yourself in…that’s probably coming.
Nitpick away. No excuse for a misspelling like that. The misspelling of Guaido as Guano was purposeful though.
There has been innovation. The torch has been replaced with a Glock and the rope with a bullet.
Except in the state of Tennessee where this type of housing is illegal.
'murikkkans don’t know the difference so just attack any Asian as Chinese.
We will be releasing a new track, “Putin’s Price Hike” soon.
Looks like the people in the house are trying to stop Juan Guano from attacking the people outside.
US needs Venezuelan gas and Canada their minerals while it looks like their plans of using Columbia as their attack dog is falling apart. Time for Plan ‘B’, defending democracy by having the CIA assassinate Guano after several “failed” attempts on his person and excusing US military involvement.
I always felt that the ultimate aim of Ukraine was to balkanize Russia so that the US could get a foothold in western Russia with the ultimate aim of having a military presence on China’s northern border. Another imperialist Pentagon fantasy laid to rest.
Like Ukraine, Taiwan would just be used as an excuse for the US to levy sanctions, seize Chinese assets; and wipe trillions in debt off the books. Also like Ukraine, the US doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the Taiwanese people and would gladly sacrifice them on the alter of imperialism.
I believe the top picture is actually of AMTRAC taken a few weeks ago.
Manufacturing 50k of item ‘A’ but only 5k of item ‘B’ means you can sell item ‘A’ for less because of lower manufacturing costs?
Shouldn’t that be, when DID the US collapse?
He’s watching Winnie the Pooh cartoons.
Looks like the Rooskies really have it out for Disney World. I always figured Space Mountain was hiding something.
Hey Joe, if I do to Lula what Trump tried to do to you, will you be okay with it? Joebama winks and changes the subject.