Hello_Kitty_enjoyer [none/use name]

  • 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2022


  • “the russians are spreading misinformation in europe” or whatever. Which, sure, they do, how the fuck is there no talk about what to do of it?

    The overly verbose “intelligent” liberals are deliberately used as controlled opposition by ruling class. They’re just too dumb to be there on their own merits

    Just take the pseudointellectual insufferables on the “left”, feed them “anti-right” talking points, and since the points are deliberately written in insufferable way and communicated by insufferable liberals who are simultaneously too dumb to understand that points are deliberately written insufferably, it makes everyone who hears it turn more right–even actual left sympathizers

    like that 79 F “heatwave” in terf island. World is burning but if you call every 2 F warmer-than-average day “global warming” people get skeptical of it and it’s free ammo for reality deniers

    kill all crackers

  • The larger point is true, the world is basically becoming multipolar. But you still live in a different world from reality:

    or in 2016 when it became suddenly clear that much of America and parts of Europe were no longer buying the liberal establishment’s bullshit

    they only cared about non-whites/immigration, idk why you bring this up

    or was it in 2020 with Covid which exposed western governments as morally bankrupt and woefully incompetent compared to China’s?

    exact opposite, the cattle perceive this as western governments being morally bankrupt by BECOMING LIKE (their idea of) China. The fact that there was a mandate to wear a paper-thin mask is CCP oppression to them. They also think that 20 gorrillion Chinese people died and that it’s a Chinese bioweapon (in reality it’s the opposite)