
Invertebrate keeper, rock flipper, fungi fanatic, native plant enthusiast, and general nature lover.

  • 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • This is my first year with an in-ground garden in Zone 6a! Here’s what I’ve got:

    -Plant more peppers, I eat a lot of peppers and could use more

    -Plant beans/peas earlier

    -Plant okra later

    -Only ONE cucumber plant!!! Just one! No one needs more than one!

    -More ground cherries, they did great and I love 'em

    -Wouldn’t bother with celery again, probably

    -Would give radishes another shot, they did okay. I’d do kohlrabi again too

    -Planted too many types of lettuce

  • That really sucks, it’s not cool that they took you on as a student when they knew they’d be looking to leave the university. The closest comparison I have is I had a classmate whose PI left the university and offered to take her, but she decided to master out instead. It didn’t affect her career and was ultimately a great move.

    I think it’s normal that you’d have trouble trusting them again and you should probably consider your options. Can you transfer to another lab in your department? Alternatively, you said you went through all the trouble to travel and apply at the new university. Can you still go and just pick a new lab there? If you’re post-candidacy/quals/etc, they should hopefully respect that and maybe it can accelerate your track.

  • I’ve heard of this happening occasionally with cooked brown rice, so I guess it’s not out of the question! My guess is that the corn will probably wilt and die before it gets big enough to poke holes in the bag. Are you using any lights? Leaving it in the dark at this stage might help discourage corn growth. But keep us posted on what happens