Since when are image macros not memes
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Since when are image macros not memes
The best part is the left wing instances that .worlders kept complaing are removing it less
There’s this guy on YouTube, brad podray, who makes fun of all the staged videos like this
YouTube may have a feature to normalize audio, I remember reading something about it
This is what scroll did, before they got bought by Twitter. Same for coil, who shut down, by the people behind then still seem to be working on something. See
No, that’s the joke
But I guess this is what happens when we stop paying for news
I could have done it in 2 fns if I made them more generic, but couldn’t be bothered
day4p1: input
| lines sum w h|
sum := ('XMAS' asRegex matchesIn: input) size. "forward"
sum := sum + ('SAMX' asRegex matchesIn: input) size. "backwards sep cause overlapping"
lines := input lines.
h := lines size.
w := (lines at: 1) size.
1 to: h-3 do: [ :p1 |
1 to: w do: [ :p2 |
sum := sum + (self d4diag: lines p1: p1 p2: p2 dir: -1).
sum := sum + (self d4diag: lines p1: p1 p2: p2 dir: 0).
sum := sum + (self d4diag: lines p1: p1 p2: p2 dir: 1).
^ sum.
d4diag: input p1: p1 p2: p2 dir: dir
| reverse xm ii |
xm := 'XMAS'.
reverse := ((input at: p1) at: p2) = $S.
0 to: 3 do: [ :i |
ii := reverse ifTrue: [ 4 - i ] ifFalse: [ i + 1 ].
"if out of bounds, obv not possible"
((xm at: ii) = ((input at: p1 + i) at: i * dir + p2 ifAbsent: [^ 0])) ifFalse: [^ 0]
^ 1.
day4p2: input
| lines sum w h pos |
"Find all diag mas, then check of 1 . -1 (we can look back on every -1"
sum := 0.
lines := input lines.
h := lines size.
w := (lines at: 1) size.
1 to: h-2 do: [ :p1 |
pos := Array new: w withAll: false.
1 to: w do: [ :p2 |
(self d42: lines p1: p1 p2: p2 dir: -1)
ifTrue: [
sum := sum + ((pos at: p2-2) ifTrue:[1] ifFalse:[0]).
(self d42: lines p1: p1 p2: p2 dir: 1) ifTrue: [pos at: p2 put: true].
^ sum.
d42: input p1: p1 p2: p2 dir: dir
| reverse xm ii |
xm := 'MAS'.
reverse := ((input at: p1) at: p2) = $S.
0 to: 2 do: [ :i |
ii := reverse ifTrue: [ 3 - i ] ifFalse: [ i + 1 ].
"if out of bounds, obv not possible"
((xm at: ii) = ((input at: p1 + i) at: i * dir + p2 ifAbsent: [^ false])) ifFalse: [^ false]
^ true.
flabbergasted in a good way?
I wrote matchesActual
cause all of smalltalk’sstupid matchesDo:
or whatever don’t give you the actual match with captures, only substrings (that wasted a good 40 minutes).
Also smalltalk really needs an index operator
day3p1: input
| reg sum |
reg := 'mul\((\d\d?\d?),(\d\d?\d?)\)' asRegex.
sum := 0.
reg matchesActual: input do: [ :m | " + sum at end cause operator precedence"
sum := (m subexpression: 2) asInteger * (m subexpression: 3) asInteger + sum
^ sum.
day3p2: input
| reg sum do val |
reg := 'do(\:?n''t)?\(\)|mul\((\d{1,3}),(\d{1,3})\)' asRegex.
sum := 0.
do := true.
reg matchesActual: input do: [ :m |
val := m subexpression: 1.
(val at: 1) = $d ifTrue: [ do := (val size < 5) ]
ifFalse: [
do ifTrue: [
sum := (m subexpression: 2) asInteger * (m subexpression: 3) asInteger + sum.
]. ].
^ sum.
In all the cyberpunk I’ve read/seen the state is usually quite weak, and that’s a pretty important aspect. Martial law is not compatible with a weak state. That’s a different type of dystopia
Same except my home life was fairly stable.
Although I guess our nicknames, while certainly insulting, aren’t too derogatory
In Islam, Heaven is supposed to have rivers of wine (that are not harmful). I bet that extends to all drugs/shrooms/whatever as well
Same ngl, I just assumed it was some health agency
Discovered a number of frustrations with this supposedly small and elegant language
(nums at: i) - (nums at: i+1)
which would be nums[i] - nums[i+1]
in most languagesPart 1
day2p1: input
^ (input lines
collect: [ :l | l substrings collect: [ :s | s asInteger ]])
count: [ :nums |
(nums = nums sorted or: nums = nums sorted reverse)
and: [
(1 to: nums size-1) allSatisfy: [ :i |
((nums at: i) - (nums at: i+1)) abs between: 1 and: 3
] ] ]
Part 2
day2p2: input
| temp |
^ (input lines
collect: [ :l | (l substrings collect: [ :s | s asInteger ]) asOrderedCollection ])
count: [ :nums |
(self day2p2helper: nums)
or: [
((1 to: nums size) anySatisfy: [ :i |
temp := nums copy.
temp removeAt: i.
self day2p2helper: temp
or: [(self day2p2helper: nums reversed)
or: [
(1 to: nums size) anySatisfy: [ :i |
temp := nums reversed.
temp removeAt: i.
self day2p2helper: temp
]]] .
day2p2helper: nums
^ (1 to: nums size - 1) allSatisfy: [ :i |
((nums at: i+1) - (nums at: i)) between: 1 and: 3
I don’t know much about statista, but yeah the steam numbers linux users love to cite regularly fluctuate by like 25% and windows usage has been shown to basically depend on how active the chinese market is.
I mean not voting is not picking revolution either, it’s just handing more power to those who do vote.
It’s not academic, it’s relative to the various examples he cites in the article
revolution? No candidate is or ever will offer revolution. That’s not a choice you can make at the polls
It would ruin memes the moment that happened. You already see it on like reddit when Karma gets too important. All the main meme subs are filled with such junk. I have never seen anything unfunnier than r/funnymeme