Respect must be earned. This is not ridiculous. There are many qualities that will earn you respect. Simply being dead is not one of them.

And yes, this is a rant about libs defending the Queen.

  • Seanchaí (she/her)
    132 years ago

    While I agree with the main thrust of what you’re saying, that there is no reason to respect a terrible person after they die, I do disagree with your opening statement that respect must be earned.

    Respect should be given freely to all. Respect should not be earned, but assumed. Disrespect should be earned (and in the case of the queen, was earned dearly). It’s a small difference, but I do think it’s an important mindset. The idea that someone needs to earn respect is part of liberal individualism: that unless and until someone does something to earn your respect, it’s “normal” to disrespect them.

    • @B0rodin@lemmygrad.mlOP
      82 years ago

      I see what you mean, but I would classify the kind of unconditional respect for another as a human being as being more just basic human decency. Respect is for me something that is added on top of that. I would call the first form of respect “human respect”, the second “individual respect”. “Individual respect” must be earned. “Human respect” is, as you say, a given, but can be lost. I hope that clears things up.

      • Seanchaí (she/her)
        52 years ago

        That’s a really interesting way to phrase it. And for sure, I really wasn’t meaning to like…pick on you for your choice there. It’s such a common phrase, I wasn’t incensed you had used it or anything, and I wasn’t meaning to assert you didn’t believe in human respect, as you put it. Just throwing a bit of conversation out there about the way that phrase is used. Appreciate you responding with the way you relate to it.

      • Seanchaí (she/her)
        72 years ago

        Hmm, yes, the little additives there definitely make a difference. Respect as an authority in any matter certainly has to be earned, for sure.

        I didn’t mean, either, for it to seem I was taking umbrage with this particular post or statement. It is just a thought I have whenever I see that old adage, “respect must be earned.” It’s thrown around a lot, and it has never sat right with me.