Ingredients in order: chamomile, spearmint, lemongrass, tilia flowers, blackberry leaves, orange blossoms, Hawthorn, rosebuds

  • @Shdwdrgn
    210 months ago

    Have you tried caffeine? I remember in my twenties, trying to stay awake at work after a late night, and drinking mountain dew was making me even more sleepy. Turns out some of us have the opposite reaction to stimulants, so it would make sense some people also have a reverse reaction to things that make other people sleepy?

    • karmiclychee
      210 months ago

      You miiiiight have ADHD. (I have ADHD, and the thing about stimulants is a big deal)

      • @Shdwdrgn
        110 months ago

        Heh that’s a very distinct possibility that I’ve wondered about. Hobbies? What time of day is it? Oh I’ve already moved on to something else.