It was like that for Donbas for 8 years, have you ever wondered that?

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
      172 years ago

      I actually checked his location and yes, he really is from Ukraine. But yes pretty much, so many comments in songs and videos like these: I’m from Ukraine this feels different, that’s deep poor me etc etc.

      Literally just mention Ukraine in comments of videos that have nothing to do with it and bam that’s it, 5k,10k, 20k likes and hundreds of comments!

      142 years ago

      It’s not hard to encounter someone from Ukraine really. It’s not like they are living in a warzone, in the western parts of the country things seem kinda chill.

      Encountered some Ukrainian fellas in Battlefield 4 the other week. Guess what, they had “AZOV” clan tag and instantly started russophobic shit in chat.

        2 years ago

        It blows my mind to think that one can just play videogames with people across the world in the middle of a increasingly escalating war.