The US keeps talking about leading NATO in a counter attack against Russia if Russia uses nukes.

They keep saying this and with the recent events of Nordstream, Im becoming increasingly worried that the US is fixing to do a false flag.

And none of the US and EU’s behavior have been making any sense as of late.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    272 years ago

    Russia doesn’t have any reason to use their nuclear arsenal, especially not in Ukraine. If it was used, it’d be used tactically to cripple one of the powers that could bear a real threat to Russia, such as the US.

    Tactical nuke doctrine sees nuclear warheads as a strategic tool to be pointed toward military targets such as supply depots, bases, etc. Not civilian targets, such as cities. They’re also reserved as a last-ditch effort, using them is a political nightmare so it’s best for all parties if they’re saved until the last possible moment.

    That’s not to say the powers that own them will stick to that, they’ll do what they see as necessary. But if a nuclear warhead is used in the current war, odds point more to it being an op.

    My personal opinion on the matter is the US is going to throw around the “nuke” word a bunch for the next few months (or however long it takes), then claim they’re getting more involved in the war to prevent their use. Evolving the rhetoric from an “if” Russia uses them, to a “when”.

      142 years ago

      My personal opinion on the matter is the US is going to throw around the “nuke” word a bunch for the next few months (or however long it takes), then claim they’re getting more involved in the war to prevent their use. Evolving the rhetoric from an “if” Russia uses them, to a “when”.

      That was my impression that it is some sort of asinine mind op.

      But I think the op has a point additionally.