• Rewriting history through their new “education” system to brainwash young kids into believing they’re not Chinese despite their passports still saying “Republic of China”. That’s totally not propaganda lmao

    • Average PFLP EnjoyerOP
      212 years ago

      you don’t understand!!! KMT were perfect democracy and definitely not sore losers who the average Chinese hates!!!

      • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Even under the bloody KMT their school textbooks were constantly reminding them of their heritage and why they needed to steal back the mainland lol.

        Under the DPP… they moved their own history to “world history” and would rather align with the Japanese rather than properly teach kids that they were part of the victorious side in WW2. This is the same state of being mentally colonised like those in HK…