This is legit the funniest and the least expected thing to see on the Reddit frontpage. Do you think they understand?

  • loathesome dongeater
    202 years ago

    It’s in /r/nottheonion. Of course they don’t understand.

    Tbh though I read Watchmen a very long time ago and it was one of the first comic books I read. So I don’t understand what it is supposed to criticise and how. I thought it was just another superhero comic and ended up not liking it too much.

    Regarding the mass affection of superhero stuff being a precursor of fascism, I am not sure about that. But I agree with his “superheroes: an infantile disorder” point. Superhero movies have very simplistic and idealistic plots. I don’t read superhero comics at all so I can’t comment on those. It is definitely concerning when superhero movies are one of most major cultural products of our times.

      322 years ago

      The smartest person in the world tries to save the world by inflicting a catastrophe on millions of victims. The most powerful person in the world disregards the world completely. The most hateful person in the world is the one with the actual moral compass. The most celebrated heroes are the ones used by the government to inflict war crimes.

      Watchmen is a criticism on superhero culture, and its story is pretty antifascist.