This is legit the funniest and the least expected thing to see on the Reddit frontpage. Do you think they understand?

    162 years ago

    Some of the comments weren’t as bad as I expected.

    I’ve never really been into comic books or graphic novels, especially not after the boom in the last decade or so. I did think The Watchmen was good. I think a lot of people who read it don’t understand the point though and think it’s just another ‘gritty’ superhero graphic novel.

        2 years ago

        I haven’t read it since like 2011. I’ll have to re-read it to see if it holds up. But I remember it being way better than it’s peers.

        It’s definitely not a waste of time at the least. I think Moore is an ‘anarchist’, but I’m not sure if he’s as bad as the ones we usually think of.