A bunch of people in my school discord were shaming me for wearing a mask, and when I argued about it they said I was just ugly and wanted to hide it and also that covid was just a cold. The worst part is that one of them was a comrade.

I feel like I can’t trust anyone I know anymore, just a few close friends.

  • SovereignState
    162 years ago

    I’m sorry to hear that. High school? Teenagers can be cruel. Anyone that called you names or ugly is in for a rude awakening once age sets in, even in the next few years. Beauty fades and it fades quick. Then all they’ll be left with is their egos, bitter shells of their past life.

    If they’re against masks, they’re probably also getting that idea from their shitty parents. It might be fair to expect some apology DMs years from now as people realize what shitheads they were when they were younger. Because of mob mentality, I bullied this girl hard when I was in primary school, along with everybody else. I apologized years later and thinking about it sometimes still keeps me up at night. This will pass. Pettiness and ugliness are ubiquitous in adult life as well, but those people are more often than not ostracized and humiliated for bullying others rather than how it happens in high school. I don’t know if this is just a platitude or what, but try to remember that this will pass and you’re on the right side of history here. I hope you’re okay comrade, but I think you will be.

    • @holdengreen@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I was at BART and I let a mom and tot have the seats. Later they sit in front of me and the little kid starts talking to me and I’m listing and talking to him. it was really perfect so it’s sad that so many grow up to be mean.

      actually I think about it and that could have been my dad in another world… exactly what my grandma who I am going to meet now did for my dad after BART first began operation

    • KiG V2
      52 years ago

      Plus tbh the people who shine in high school get the most terrible inside and outside so fast. Meanwhile the people they are calling “ugly” glow up and look much better in their 20s and 30s, at least IMO