Lmao 45 days. Superb democracy lassy

    • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.ml
      172 years ago

      I got a better question. Countries basically live and die on trade. What does England have to offer? What do they have that people want that folks likely cant get anywhere else cheaper and from a lesser asshole?

      What can Corbyn realistically do when England has burned so much of its good will?

      • DankZedong
        232 years ago

        Aside from the City of London I have no idea really. But I’m sure the rest of the country is not utterly useless either, so something should be possible I guess.

        England’s massive benefit is that they left the EU. Should a real leftist leader with ideas of leftist reform take charge, they will not be hindered by the neoliberal untouchable laws of the EU. That alone has great potential to improve the material conditions of the Br*ts.

        • @folaht@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          No, that’s Hungary’s massive benefit if it leaves the EU and EU’s benefit to the UK leaving.
          England left the EU for the US, because it thought the EU quit being subordinate to the UK and became US subordinate only.

      • @cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        They have the City of London, the entire UK subsists almost entirely off of London’s status as a global finance hub for banking, insurance, etc. The rest of it, ever since Thatcher destroyed the traditional British industries along with the unions, basically produces nothing.