I don’t know about you, but saying that Marxists should prioritize dismantling their own country’s bourgeoisie over global imperialism seems a bit ultra-leftist

Also a bit weird that they didn’t talk about Donbass

      • @Kind_Stone@lemmygrad.ml
        132 years ago

        …Jesus fuck, I really gotta start saving this bullshit on my harddrive because it gets cleaned up in the times where you really needed. I can swear on my effing blood and guts that he made a post in his YouTube Community tab and cross-posted it to his VKontakte page where he boasted about enchancing his home studio and finally finding a stable source of financing that he refused to disclose which allowed him to continue his work.

        Now the only thing that I could find is this old boring shit BUT THIS IS NOT THE THING I WAS INITIALLY SPEAKING ABOUT. https://youtu.be/-Cp3m8qs1Do