• Preston Maness ☭
    351 year ago

    I picked a bad time to burn out on software engineering, it seems. Now nobody is hiring for any technical roles. Or rather, nobody’s interested in hiring a former SysAd/DevOps fella that’s a few years outta practice.

    Whelp. Guess I’ll keep working at the Amazon Warehouse and doing DoorDash.

    I can’t wait to burn this system to the god damned ground.

    • Yiazmat
      171 year ago

      Until recently I was in a similar situation (IT). Had some interviews that seemed promising until I mentioned work-life balance being very important to me which immediately changed the mood of interviews (one guy actually laughed at me when I said that).

      Seems like most of these companies only want people who are desperate enough to do anything. I hate that not wanting to spend every waking hour on the clock makes me “not a team player.” Like, sorry I actually want to enjoy my life outside of work, I guess lol.

      • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        111 year ago

        Seriously. The “culture” that seems to permeate IT globally is absurdly toxic and self-loathing. Don’t want to work every waking hour “for the pride of the company”? Boo, lazy deadbeat! Want to be paid for the extra hours? Boo, greedy lazy deadbeat!