When the revolution happens do you think it will Marxist-Leninist, because it will have become more popular as it can prescribe a new socialism for our material conditions, or more Anarchistic in character, because of the individualistic ideology of the west?

Edit: thanks everyone for your responses, answering my questions and more.

  • @Shaggy0291@lemmygrad.ml
    161 year ago

    America will steadily shed its anarchism as more people are proletarianised over time. Anarchism is a petty bourgeois tendency that aims to shore up the interests of the threatened small proprietor. Even the aspirations of the best intentioned anarchists ultimately boil down to squatting on a plot of land with their pals and forming a society that runs on vibes. There’s no serious consideration for anything other than the appropriation of said land amongst a circle of friends.

    As more petit-bourgeois “sink” to the level of a proletarian, more and more of them will come to acknowledge that pining for property isn’t in their interests and thus develop a proper socialist consciousness; complete with the characteristics that lend themselves to successful movement building, particularly tenacity and discipline. Contrast this with the vacillation and the spontaneous flights of fancy that often seize the average anarchist.