When the revolution happens do you think it will Marxist-Leninist, because it will have become more popular as it can prescribe a new socialism for our material conditions, or more Anarchistic in character, because of the individualistic ideology of the west?

Edit: thanks everyone for your responses, answering my questions and more.

  • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    I challenge the notion that Americans aren’t bigots. Most Americans just aren’t aware of their bigotry. Something US liberals constantly preach to conservatives is that one can still be bigoted without personally hating a minority. And they’re right about that. The trouble is that they are so confident that they are absolved from that fact themselves and fail to see America’s current imperialism as a direct continuation of its settler colonial past. It’s something that will be an obstacle for true ideological breakthroughs as long as they keep letting the Democratic Party define and weaponize “social justice.”

    Hopefully Biden’s and Congresses antagonistic response to the current rail strike will push a few more away.

    • @CITRUS@lemmygrad.ml
      31 year ago

      I believe you are right here. I guess what I meant was, most Americans aren’t trying to be bigots or their hearts are in the right place, instead of openly minority hating with a vengeance bigots. We can actually work with the first, instead of the rabid dangerous animals of the latter.

      And as you say, they need to wake up from the lies and lip service of the Democrats to understand the root of their bigotry, and how to fight that. Thankfully, the Biden Administration is gifted with alienating its audiences.