In short, sell me on ufw.

I learned recently that yfw is basically replacing iptables “everywhere”, and as I’m getting old and crusty, this means that I have to learn something new when I’d much rather practice yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

To me, iptables is fine, and I like its flexibility. I’ve been using it ever since it de facto replaced ipchains, so ease of use isn’treally a factor in this equation.

So my more pointed question is: Can I just stick to iptables, or am I missing out on something that can only be done with ufw?

  • iii
    2 days ago

    UFW is an interface to a subset of iptables.

    There’s things iptables can do that UFW can’t. Nothing that UFW does, is impossible to do with iptables.

    By why might one use UFW I hear you wonder? Convenience.

    If you already master the art of iptables, no reason to learn UFW instead.