• Nazis drew some weird lines. Coke and heroin? Degenerate Jewish filth. Meth? Coat that shit in sugar and caffeine and sell it on shelves until you make it “prescription only” (but made it easier to get than California medical weed before full legalization). I get the reasoning behind it materially: meth is cheap, synthetic, long lasting, addictive and great for a psycho economy who constantly increased work hours and quotas so they could increase production and develop domestic productive forces to satiate the ever increasing hunger for capital and thirst for blood of the bourgeoisie while at the same time combating revolutionary elements so those proles don’t develop ideologically as well so you can use them to murder millions enslave billions. All those pharmaceutical labs and pill presses you either just seized through genocide or co-opted by either threatening, bribing, union busting, or some combination in the contemporary dominant global pharmaceutical cartel of mid 19-20th century Germany come in handy when those gears need faster grinding and sanctions don’t prevent access to other stimulants. I just have no fuckin clue how you advertise to make meth better looking than coke tho.