Saw some suss content relating to leftists supporting Russia uncritically on the GenZedong Reddit page today. The whole argument as far as I could tell was a bit of a strawman . Is anyone moderating the page anymore? I thought I was on normal Reddit for a second.

  • KiG V2
    171 year ago

    What like how Lemmygrad is decent (if a bit undeveloped and not crazy populated) but what’s the chances you would’ve found this place if you didn’t happen to read a comment advertising it right before GZD was hamburgered?

    • I found Lemmygrad through pure luck one day while looking for interesting Lemmy instances since I hate reddit. This was probably a good 6 months before the subreddit quarantine and at the time Lemmygrad was just called a “backup for GenZedong” with basically no activity.