• Dialectical Materialism shows how there’s no life beyond this one. No heaven, no ghosts, no resurrections, no reincarnation. Just we as animals with pants.

    We have a very short life were we want to accomplish many things but usually have to chose only one. I believe in communism because I want nobody to be working to sustain themselves and have a life as happy and fulfilling as possible. And this also requieres time.

    I would love to live forever and see what’s beyond everything, since nothing stays still. Never. Everything evolves one way or another, and everything is interesting because of it.

    I would like to die only when existence itself is no longer possible, no space nor time to be in any other dimension or whatever scifi mumbo-jumbo you can think of it.

    Those are the reasons I would want to never die or at least die only when I want to.