Title. Lets see it soar! 💫💫💫

  • SalamanderMA
    2 years ago

    Thank you! That’s very nice of you.

    The server costs are very manageable - under €20 a month, and I expect that I will be able to cover the server costs without problem for a long time.

    Growth usually comes in spikes, but then these spikes come back down to a slower-steady growth. Continuous exponential growth would get scary, but I expect a more manageable situation :)

    If you would like to contribute financially to the project, my recommendation would be to donate to the developers. Here is their donation page: https://join-lemmy.org/donate

    They have mentioned that their preferred option is LibrePay, and second best is OpenCollective.

    The developers would like to get enough funds to develop Lemmy as a full-time job, and many of their development projects are about making Lemmy more efficient - which would have the effect of lowering the server costs for every instance.