I keep asking this as information develops and the year goes on. What do you guys think?

  • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Living standards for the average person and wealth inequality starts to look like the more capitalist countries in Central and South America right now

    East Asians potentially becoming the most common target of hate crimes, in absolute numbers despite being one of the smallest minorities in the country. If not the most, then hate crimes will continue to dramatically and exponentially rise either way

    South Asians start to get targeted more because Indian immigrants will rapidly grow to be larger and larger percentage of immigrants and they generally do very well here (I think they’re already highest earning ethnicity in USA)

    People’s knowledge and understanding of geopolitics and class conflict becomes even more twisted and weirdly incorrect as they recognize capitalism is the problem but the growing propaganda machine stops them from the correct analysis and mindset to be had

    People’s intersectional framework become simultaneously more and less woke, as they recognize white supremacy is a problem but continue to fail to identify even the slightly veiled forms, like anti-Russia/China/Iran/DPRK propaganda, and rising white fragility/insecurity in the face of a rising China and prospering Indians in the USA

    • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
      2 years ago

      Full agree but with an addendum:

      • Latinos continue to rise in population and income levels from internal growth rather than immigration, increasing ethnic contradictions with whites who will increasingly fall into Great Replacement conspiracy holes.

      • Black people will continue to be left out of political discussions because no one wants to talk to them. Democrats continue to harness their revolutionary energy for votes, but lose control as the police state becomes more openly violent and collective memory increases mistrust with the establishment. The majority of black socialists become maoists as a result, because other groups refuse to adjust their recruiting strategies.

      • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Interesting, why do you believe latinos will rise in population (as a percentage I’m assuming) from internal growth? The way I see it lower income correlates with birth rate and I think latinos aren’t so much below the other races that it would make a large percentage shift, especially in the face of rising immigration from India

        I would’ve talked a lot about climate refugees from central and south america but they wouldn’t be US citizens which is what the question asked about

        • @TheConquestOfBed@lemmy.ml
          2 years ago

          I think that’s from official statistics by the us govt but I don’t have time to look it up right now. They’re at least projecting increased wealth. But yeah, I would agree that immigrants who aren’t citizens or who don’t have legal status will affect things in a way that’s not in line with official docs. But border security keeps getting more funding so it’ll probably taper off when the US becomes less attractive as a destination.

          • @electrodynamica
            2 years ago

            Most US Latinos are very conservative/libertarian (i.e pro- I got mines , fuck y’all). They support patriarchy, fascism, and all the other capitalist things. This is why they are gaining wealth.