A group of veterans from the US armed forces burnt their uniforms in a show of solidarity with the airman Aaron Bushnell, who died after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy in Washington in a protest over the war in Gaza.Footage by Alissa Azar shows veterans lining up and taking turns to burn their military jackets at a vigil in Portland on February 28.A banner can be seen behind them, reading: “Veterans say: Free Palestine! Remember Aaron Bushnell.”The event was organized by the group About Face: Veterans Against the War, which told attendees to gather in front of the Wyatt Federal Building in Portland at 5 pm.Before setting himself on fire, Bushnell filmed himself saying he would “no longer be complicit in genocide". He then yelled “Free Palestine” several times as flames engulfed him. Credit: Alissa Azar via Storyful
The majority of people here are liberals - not leftists.
Strongly disagree.
The majority of people here aren’t tankie fucks, but they’re certainly leftists.
You talk like someone who only learnt what the term tankie means a week ago.
Do you even know what it is that makes liberals right-wing?
You talk like someone who’s cool with ML’s.
Do you even know what it is that makes ML’s authoritarian?
ML’s are cool 😎
🤮 nothing cool about authie statists.
I’ll take that as a no - so I’ll be happy to educate you.
Right-wing politics exist for one reason and one reason only - to protect the status quo. This means liberalism (which includes that which gets called “conservativism” in the US) is perfectly and fundamentally right-wing.
The only thing that liberals and their right-wing fellow travellers disagree on is the means by which the status quo should be protected - liberals believe that the status quo should be protected by making it “nicer” through “reform” in the hopes of eliciting less resistance while fascists (for instance) believe that the status quo should be protected through unrestricted state violence. But no matter their differences, upholding the status quo is something these right-wingers fundamentally agree on.
A leftist doesn’t believe that applying lipstick to a pig changes anything - as a liberal does - but instead believes that the status quo must be dismantled by whatever means necessary. This is what makes leftists leftist.
So no… this place is flooded by liberals - leftists are still a minority here.