Stay away from Benadryl, folks.

Kratom is cool if you’re trying to quit opiates or alcohol.

I can’t recommend kava if you don’t live in a place where it’s cheap, but if that isn’t an issue it has reverse tolerance and actually gets more fun the more you use it.

  • ReadFanon [any, any]
    7 months ago

    Ketamine is really good for treatment-resistant depression and I have a hot take that there’s a significant number of regular users of street ketamine who put themselves in a k-hole as a form of self-medication.

    Ketamine is also super useful for catatonia and it should be the treatment option they resort to prior to ECT due to ECT having much more serious side effects comparatively. We’re getting there though.

    Since I’m dropping my ketamine-related hot takes I think that TRD and catatonia are often so similar in symptomatology and response to the same treatments that they should be considered synonymous (not a doctor, not a psychiatrist)