I’m looking it up right now though lol, will add in definitions once I find them.

  • SalamanderMA
    3 years ago

    Did you end up looking into it? This is what I think:

    Maybe you can get some intuition from comparing whole wheat flour to processed bleached flour. You get whole wheat flour by taking wheat berries and milling them. This flour can then be processed by removing the seed husks and all of the other coarse components to get a fine white flour, known as ‘bleached’ flour. (Ok, in practice, sometimes a manufacturer makes bleached flour and then mixes the other components back in, and this can still be labeled as whole wheat)


    As I understand it, whole foods are foods are food made of un-processed raw ingredients that are derived directly from biological sources (no synthetic or purified ingredients). So, the only processing that goes into making the food is the mixing and perhaps cooking of the raw ingredients.

    • ZafiraHUNOPM
      3 years ago

      I began looking it up, but it ended up being more complicated than a 5-minute read and nvr finished, so thanks for this!

      Updated post. The fact that I don’t know what it means says a lot about the state of nutrition in my country.