No friends or anything. No partner either. What do?

    2 years ago

    Hit the gym, read theory, hike, swim, talk to random people on the street, get interested in things and find local groups you can involve yourself in (not just political ones).

    Come to think of it, I’ve pretty much lost contact with all of my old highschool friends, and i broke up with my partner about a year…maybe 2 ago…god time sucks. For the longest time, I just let myself be consumed in it all, but recently, I’ve made attempts to find places where I can fit in and it’s beautiful, really. I wouldn’t say I have a friend group yet, or any aim to find a new partner, but the journey of self discovery that all of this has put me on is very lovely.

    If you’re someone with interests and skills, people will naturally flock to you. Don’t chase it, but at the same time, put yourself out there.