Just got swept off of Reddit completely, only a matter of time of course. What do you guys use to keep up with current events? Lefty subreddits (if you can call any subreddit that much “left” anymore with the tankie crackdowns) were my biggest source of current events and comrade’s perspectives on such.

So what do you comrades use? Any good newsletters? Other social media platforms?

  • biessensounasc@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    none of these are specifically ML but: kawsachun news, multipolarista, mintpress news, the grayzone, telesur, the new atlas on youtube, mangopress on telegram. sometimes i read RT for war-related coverage although it is obviously very skewed.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      all good suggestions. some additional sources: “breakthrough news”, “consortium news”, “the cradle”, “strategic culture” (a bit hit and miss, some of the authors are very sus), “popular resistance”, WSWS (caution: trotskyist publication), “global times”, “presstv” (iranian; kinda like what telesur is for venezuela), “covertaction magazine”, “antiwar” (warning: a decent bit of cringe libertarian stuff), “counterpunch” (somewhat lib at times, but mostly ok)

      RT is actually a very westernized channel, a lot of Russians don’t like it because it is too lib. if you want to actually read the Russian perspective i’d suggest “izvestia”, “ria novosi” and TASS, just run them through a translation plugin for your browser

      and if anyone is interested in good leftist news from germany i recommend UZ (“unsere zeit”) and “junge welt”

      edit: oh and the “naked capitalism” blog also has some really good articles sometimes. for an ML newsletter i recommend Rainer Shea as well as the Qiao Collective on substack