Just got swept off of Reddit completely, only a matter of time of course. What do you guys use to keep up with current events? Lefty subreddits (if you can call any subreddit that much “left” anymore with the tankie crackdowns) were my biggest source of current events and comrade’s perspectives on such.

So what do you comrades use? Any good newsletters? Other social media platforms?

  • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I just come here anymore. GZD sub really isn’t that great on Reddit anymore and most of the best posters come here too anyway. I can also express my desire to kill capitalists here so that’s a plus.

  • Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Hopefully ppl will start posting more news here, cause we do have a few news communities. Primary sources: Telesur, btnews, black agenda report, cgtn, qiao collective, multipolarista, are some good ones.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Some good ones already mentioned but I have a few others. I will try to divide them according to whether or not I actually trust their subjective opinions or I merely read to get the objective facts. My key piece of advice is don’t look for news from an ML perspective read news with your own ML perspective that you develop over time (if something is repeatedly wayyy slanted or just plain incorrect, then ditch it ofc but the leftists of the media world are not super numerous so they will miss things that you should still be paying attention to. ). It’s like exercising a muscle. I actually recommend making a twitter feed which you only use for news so it functions like a free news aggregator.

    Objective sources (I don’t really take their analysis SUPER seriously but they can feed you good info):

    Al-mayadeen (best data from the west asian perspective imo; right on the edge of subjective/objective)

    South China Morning Post

    Walter bloomberg & FXHEDGE - these are twitter feeds which compile news from a variety of (only follow these if you want very economic oriented data - with inflation and the economy in turmoil I recommend this) I cancelled my WSJ and FT subscriptions thanks to these (NOTE: FXHEDGE has published some incorrect headlines, but 99% of the time is reliable)

    Yaneer Bar-yam - covid specific he’s the only guy who’s really solid on covid who, while I think kind of a lib, doesn’t post about politics outside of covid. he’ll retweet significant findings whenever there are any.

    Subjective: These are the ones where about 80% of their articles (varies by source) have good subjective analyses/interpretations

    Brasilwire - super good resource for Brazil

    Telesur - based almost 100% of the time and great info

    Michael-hudson.com for economic analysis (GOAT of global economics imo)

    Wallstreetonparade for FINANCIAL analysis - they do one article a day and I highly recommend just scanning now and then to get an idea of what is going on in the markets

    Dongshengnews.org - HIGHLY RECOMMEND FOR Chinese news

    Grayzone (max b has gone off the deep end on covid imo, but generally this is a solid news source)

    MULTIPOLARISTA - based all around

    Caitlin Johnstone - based all around, a lot of commentary but it is good reading

    Breakthrough news - agree 100% with @kig_v2@lemmygrad.ml

    MOhammad Marandi- Excellent voice for learning about Iran and west asia

    Arnaud Bertrand - Twitter only guy with excellent CHina economic analysis threads

    THOMAS C. MOUNTAIN - super underappreciated expert on the horn of africa - a key geostrategic region.

    Mintpressnews - based 100% of the time afaik

    FRINGE: these are sites which host some great writers and about 60% of their articles may expand your mind but exercise extreme caution about taking everything posted there at face value

    Strategic culture.org (may be blocked try w vpn) - some excellent analyses but questionable politics

    the cradle: I would say this is right on the edge of subjective and fringe, but they host some weirdos just a bit too much, but some REALLY excellent western asia analysis.

    Our hidden history this is a twitter account I follwo that has some mind blowing stuff- it is pretty conspiratorial but still 99% of it is factual and that 1% may very well also be but hard to verify. Some great youtube videos like docs on cointelpro and so forth. They have some good takes where they tie modern events to past events you may have no idea occured.

  • biessensounasc@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    none of these are specifically ML but: kawsachun news, multipolarista, mintpress news, the grayzone, telesur, the new atlas on youtube, mangopress on telegram. sometimes i read RT for war-related coverage although it is obviously very skewed.

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      all good suggestions. some additional sources: “breakthrough news”, “consortium news”, “the cradle”, “strategic culture” (a bit hit and miss, some of the authors are very sus), “popular resistance”, WSWS (caution: trotskyist publication), “global times”, “presstv” (iranian; kinda like what telesur is for venezuela), “covertaction magazine”, “antiwar” (warning: a decent bit of cringe libertarian stuff), “counterpunch” (somewhat lib at times, but mostly ok)

      RT is actually a very westernized channel, a lot of Russians don’t like it because it is too lib. if you want to actually read the Russian perspective i’d suggest “izvestia”, “ria novosi” and TASS, just run them through a translation plugin for your browser

      and if anyone is interested in good leftist news from germany i recommend UZ (“unsere zeit”) and “junge welt”

      edit: oh and the “naked capitalism” blog also has some really good articles sometimes. for an ML newsletter i recommend Rainer Shea as well as the Qiao Collective on substack

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Also I thought there were still some ML subs holding on for dear life? I wouldn’t know, I haven’t been on Reddit for months

    • pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      r/trueanon is aight though the opinions there are sometimes too cis straight hipster white male burnout in his 30s for me and it’s incredibly doomer

      r/sino is aight though not really that ML

      r/shitliberalssay is meh since there’s a lot of fuck both sides sentiment for Ukraine war and calling Russia imperialist

      • AngryBolshevik@lemmygrad.mlOP
        2 years ago

        r/ShitLiberalsSay was actually the instigator, got banned for criticizing anarchism and got caught for the sub ban evading Shit almost immediately as I used two different accounts

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        i wouldn’t bother with r/sls anymore honestly, the mods there are nuts

        use r/gzd for as long as it still lasts, and otherwise r/sino, r/newswithjingjing, and r/informedtankie

        also r/liberationnews seems to be a decent source of leftist US news, and of course for their respective countries r/russia and r/palestine

    • AngryBolshevik@lemmygrad.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Most fizzled out quickly after GenZedong, the ones who are still semi active are scared to really post anything for fear of getting quarantined themselves

  • whoami@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Liberation news

    Mint Press

    Breakthrough News


    Payday Report (ok not ML but it’s about Labor news in the US that you won’t see elsewhere)

    Also, bourgeois/mainstream sources are useful to read to keep up with the current events. Wall street journal, financial times, etc

  • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Breakthrough News is currently my #1 favorite. They don’t hit a homerun 100% of the time but most of their stuff is reliably awesome and it’s very palatable to share with someone not fully “in the know,” it just comes off like good quality cable news. The roster of anchors and guests is very varied, they are all knowledgeable and fairly charismatic.

    Sometimes I still read CounterPunch magazine online (my original first exposure to leftist content), although it’s kind of Pan-Left so you get people of all tendencies, good and bad, getting published. Still pretty solid though.

    I’ve been trying to get more sources directly from China, one of the anchors from BT is from there and she’s awesome but I just wanted to corroborate and supplement it with even more, but I haven’t settled on any one source that I can completely and excitedly cosign just yet.

    • johnrobbespiere@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Which websites do you subscribe to with these? I have a FreshRSS instance set up but still looking for good news websites from the left that I can subscribe to

      • Amicese@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        I subscribed to spectrumnews.org. I’d subscribe to anticapitalist news; but that may get associated with my IP and I fear that I’ll get killed for it. (I can’t tell if it’s paranoia running wild.)