Maybe this is already widely understood on here, but I feel understanding how the anti-communist left was leveraged to fight nuclear energy.

As more people are reading this I wanted to share what I consider to be a superior analysis

And to be clear, you can be pro-renewable without being anti-nuclear I am referring to many of the European Green parties that are anti-nuclear above all else. Nuclear has it’s drawbacks, but it is preferable to climate change, for now.

    2 years ago

    This is something that I’m a bit at odds with. On one hand, I kinda do support nuclear, but the org I’m a candidate for doesn’t. In their perspective, a lot of energy is wasted on capitalist production and the US military especially, the largest polluter. Under socialist organizing, the energy wasted would be distributed in a more logical and efficient manner, in their view. I haven’t finished the PSL book on Climate solutions beyond Capitalism, so I’ll reserve my full judgement for now.

    A lingering concern of mine would be the storing of energy from solar and wind. I’m not sure if the needed batteries are developed enough to sustain entire cities.