When someone does this to me, I promise, I don’t care how late I am, you’re getting 10 mph under the limit.
Try to pass, I’ll show you 10 over for that duration.
I instead use cruise control at the speed limit and drop one mph every so often
I can confirm this drives the one behind you crazy.
The other day I drove behind someone that did like that, first they lowered the speed for a few minutes then they passed a speed limit sign and increased the speed.
I ended up trying to match their lowest speed and giving them plenty of space.
why not just let them pass and then you wont have to look at their lights anymore
Because Fuck them?
Why not just give the bully your lunch money so they don’t beat you up?
but you’re intentionally blinding yourself at that point
it’s not like they’re going to have any idea what they’re doing wrong
plus if they get in front of you, you can flash your lights at them so they at least have some idea of the issue at hand
or i guess it’s harder to deal with your childhood baggage than to act like an adult and safely operate a two ton hunk of steel at breakneck speeds
Yeah I don’t understand this reaction at all. I drive a little hatchback, and when I’m out on the open road just me and the friendly neighborhood tailgating pickup, I want them to be literally anywhere else but behind me ASAP. Usually I’ll drive slower and slower until they pass me, and I’m relieved when they do. In the infuriating situations where that doesn’t work, I say fuck it, drop a gear, and speed for a couple miles to create some distance.
honestly you’re as bad as the pickup driver. maybe worse. get off the road you psycho
Retaliating is not worse than being being a dick?
Are you stupid?
If someone is bullying you, you’re not in the wrong for standing up for yourself.
deleted by creator
Then some hog shoots you
Best to just let them over
When a car is following another there is a safe speed for the distance between the cars. If the person in back can’t maintain the proper distance, it is the person in fronts responsibility to maintain the proper speed.
So they can force me to drive as fast as they want? I don’t think that’s how law works…?
I saw a video of an American officer claiming basically the opposite. Said something like “it’s not about the speed limit, it’s about traffic safety”, for ticketing someone driving the speed limit. I don’t remember it exactly but I think the point was that if traffic is over the speed limit then he thought so should you.
I remember thinking how America likes trapping people in situations where there’s no right or legal answer so you just have to hope you don’t end up being the one they pay attention to and decide to punish.
That’s exactly what it feels like. Cops aren’t required to be fair or pull over the fastest. If everybody around you is going 5-15 MPH over the speed limit and you’re going 10 over a cop can still pull you over, even if someone just blasted past you.
This is what makes the situation you describe so frustrating. If everyone is speeding you can be pulled over for not joining in. If you try to be in the middle of the pack you’ll likely be safe, but not necessarily. And if you get pulled over for something else, like a bad taillight or your kid made a face at the cop, a ticket for speeding is pretty likely.
In what situation would a person not be able to maintain a proper distance when following? Seriously dumbass, that other pedal is for slowing the car down. And if you can’t even do that, lift your foot off the gas.
I generally try not to think how stupid the average driver is, but I’ve unfortunately been forced to tonight.
What a baffling comment. Driving at a slower speed would give the person behind you more time to react, which they need because they’re riding your ass regardless of your speed.
I think thats what they’re saying though, or at least thats what I got from their comment. There’s a safe speed for the distance between cars, and as the car behind you gets closer, that safe speed goes down quick.
Why can’t they maintain distance though?
I think a lot of people down voting this need to read it again. They’re not saying you should go faster because someone is close behind, they’re saying go slower.
If they’re 5m behind you, the safe speed is 20. If they’re 2m behind you the safe speed is 10. (Numbers pulled out of my hat).
You are responsible for the shit in front of you, not behind you.
It’s the German law if you turn what you said 180* upside down
It is also the law here that it’s the follower’s responsibility to maintain proper following distance. But if they’re not going to keep you safe, you slow down to make sure you’re both safer with their choice in follow distance.
I need a rear-mounted radar sensor and a display to make this work properly. Something that says something like, “current traveling speed: X, current following distance: Y, safe following distance at speed X: Z. Lowering speed to comply with safe following distance.”
I want them to know exactly why I am slowing down.
That’s not how any of that works, I hope you stay off the roads
It might be worth a clarifying edit.
It’s the following drivers responsibility to maintain enough distance.
IF they don’t do that THEN it falls on you to do it for them (by slowing both of you down appropriately).
why would you go for that when you could just stop as far to the side of the road as possible and tell them to go around you? let them get in front of you so they can merrily drive into a tree at 500mph while you keep yourself safe.
That’s close to what he’s saying. Slow the fuck down until either the distance is safe, they back off, or overtake.
I’m contemplating rigging my back windshield sprayer to be aimed outward and to dispense liquid ass instead of wiper fluid just for trucks that do this to me. I figure if trucks can roll coal then I can have a wiper sprayer malfunction
You gotta remember the drivers of these things tend to be the biggest hotheads with an inferiority complex on planet earth. I wouldn’t go out of my way to antagonize them. You never know when one of them is gonna snap and make you part of a statistic.
I hate these headlights as much as everyone else but I don’t see the point in losing my mind or life over it. I just try and change lanes and let them go so they can rear end some other poor sucker.
Not about this problem in particular, but when faced with dangerous and/or aggressive drivers, my mother always said “get out of their way and let them have their accident somewhere else.”
Yup. It’s simply not worth the potential for escalation.
I can get pretty confrontational, but when it comes to road rage I simply do not engage. Too many variables and zero upside.
I got a dash cam because of the unbelievable number of drivers that act like the world revolves around them or they pull out in front of me on the freeway and just never speed up to highway speeds.
These days it’s usually a Tesla which is extra annoying cause I know those things can accelerate.
I’ve contemplated doing all kinds of things when I get tailgated by these yokels, haven’t done a single one of them. A man can dream.
I do think the liquid ass might be ambiguous enough if executed right. Maybe if it was skunk smell or dead animal smell, and if it looked like the nozzle was askew instead of intentional. Or maybe a fine mist instead of a spray.
You’re probably right. I’ll still theorycraft revenge though
Biodegradable water balloons kept in your car help you prevent having to stop to pee AND a useful tailgate repellant.
That just sounds like me pissing myself with extra steps.
It will take some practice, I grant you this
Very thin machine oil… wait till they hit the wipers.
As funny as it would be that would probably be just as effective as the firearm
Have you considered releasing banana peels from below the car?
If we’re going there, I’d rather drop green turtleshells
Fake left tailpipe sawn-off shotgun for tire annihilation.
I used to flick quarters out of my sun roof when I was in my early 20s.
I had a friend who kept shot bearings from his shop in a saddle bag on his motorcycle for assholes who rode too close.
Handful thrown at the ground would make an awful racket on the front of your truck.
Now I just pull over and let them pass, let assholes wreck somewhere else
You could market this, the skunk system
I have been thinking of rigging one of those insanely bright flashlights to blind them.
I remember seeing a story awhile back about someone who’s built a motor-activated mirror setup. They have a mirror on a motor next to their back window. When they press a button up front, the mirror tilts up.
I really like this solution as you’re literally just shining their own light back at them.
That’s one of the ideas I’ve mulled over, but figured it may be kind of dangerous for me too because then there’s a huge metal battering ram behind me with nobody to steer it.
If you’ve ever stumbled across the internet’s flashlight enthusiast communities you’ll discover they are wildly powerful these days for no other reason than just because the technology exists. Like set your pocket on fire or halfway between flashlight/laser lights. So Ive definitely thought about one of those to respond in kind.
A camera flash would be more effective. An old school external flash unit will destroy your night vision.
Just to clarify - those aren’t high beams. It’s just lifted enough to where the cutoff is above your eyesight. Still sucks ass.
Shouldn’t that require them to adjust the light angle to compensate, or does the law not care?
Shouldn’t that require them to adjust the light angle to compensate
or does the law not care?
The law states that headlights must be below a certain height. I forget the exact number, but it is the law. It’s not enforced, but it’s law nonetheless.
Not only does the law not care, Cafe standards encourage larger vehicles.
The law cares, but it’s hardly enforced.
Today I learned… I’ve never once seen it enforced.
They sure got those pop-up headlights though.
Yep, it’s the cops who don’t care.
wont this problem solve itself, as cars get taller and taller?
If they’re close enough behind you, there’s really no way to do it short of lowering the entire truck. If the law doesn’t care to ban trucks because of all the children they kill, they sure aren’t going to do it because they shine bright lights directly into your eyes.
posting that you have an unregistered firearm is an easy way to get a knock on your door, if you want to publicly say you are doing illegal shit, stick to piracy
I am not angry, (at the meme creator, at least) I just thought it’d be a good idea to mention this
Oh no. A police raid. I’ll warn my neighbors that they are about to get raided
Press [F] to pay respects the the dog who lived in a house down the street.
In Ohio where I live only 2 of my (~20) firearms are legit registered and those are NFA items so they need to be. There’s no registry outside the NFA.
The majority of firearms are unregistered, as there is no requirement for registration.
Yeah the only thing I own that’s registered is a suppressor. Repeal the NFA.
One thing I’ve liked about riding a bicycle everywhere is that I can point my light at someone specifically. I ride on the lowest setting and pointed as discretely as possibly for someone that is traveling 20+ MPH on a parallel dedicated set of bike lanes, where I regularly encounter people with nothing reflective and no lights after dark. I ride with a light that is MUCH brighter than any car when on the high-boost setting and I will absolutely use that on anyone that flashes or drives with brights on.
Back in the day with my 1971 FJ40, I had A-pillar spotlights for classic off-road, and would do the same with them. People that drive around with brights on carelessly deserve fully blackened and burned retinas.
Giant asshole truck was blinding me the other night. I stayed stopped at the light and had to get out and yell for him to turn em off so I could see
Pro tip some might know. If someone is close behind you water or wiper fluid is cheap hold the lever down and it covers their windshield. Water for summer wiper fluid for winter.
I keep mine full of piss for just this reason.
I love brake checking these morons. Im in a used compact that’s fully paid for. Crush my bumper and lemme get that insurance money, dweeb
white really sucks everywhere doesn’t it
I mean blacklights arent much better
Ford’s specifically have this sentiment implemented in their design
The headlights are aimed high on each of them
BRB mounting even brighter lights pointing out behind me
Wow, you’re a pussy who’s gonna shoot someone over headlights. Cool dudes. Lemmy is a bigger fucking joke than any other social media. By far.
then leave
You, two months ago:
Definitely losing interest fast in this “reddit alternative”. The politics subs are just as bad, if not worse, than Facebook and Twitter. The communities are just clones of subreddits, after the 3rd party / mod purge. The dumbass comment chains that stopped being funny 5 years ago. Clearly bots being used to influence social issues… Could go on but it’s just more wasted bandwidth.
Are you aware you’re not required to be here or is whining just your hobby?
Man you the one crying about some shit that didn’t even happen to you.
You’re welcome to fuck off anytime.
Bro iess ah miem
The world would be a better place without you.