Only after the fall of the Soviet Union that we have stupid skinheads and Neonazi. Remember that, Communism help unite and bring together humanity. My father agree that Soviet was one of the greatest time ever. He have to witness it fall as a Vietnamese studying in Russia at that time. That is why I love Communism, we treat each other like brothers and sisters.
“Here, I am not a Negro but a human being for the first time in my life … I walk in full human dignity.”
- Paul Robeson on his first visit to the USSR
After his time in the USSR he decided to send his son to school in Moscow so he wouldn’t be forced to experience the racism Robeson himself did growing up in the US. Absolutely incredible.
A great man
But where did the skinheads and Neonazis spring from? They didn’t just materialize out of thin air and capitalist fumes. Perhaps they existed all along and the fall of USSR merely allowed them to take off their masks and roam freely.
People are not born racists, they’re turned into one by the social condition they’re thrown into.
I agree, racism was taught. You hate someone because they wrong you in someway. If we were taught not to hate, then shit like this would never happen.