behold my fridge
Mexico reporting in, just yesterday I had two avocado toasts with four poached eggs on top.
Now where are those Dairy Section decals of the orange intestinal parasite that say - “I did this!”?
the orange intestinal parasite
Is that what we’re calling him now?
I’ve been calling it that for eight years now. Give or take.
that horse dewormer is overdue
Pretty sure dewormer works if there’s a worm infestation, not just feeding it to the worm in chief
Feed him enough of it and it will work
I like you, hermano/a. Please forgive our stupid fucking country for our stupid fucking voters.
🇺🇸 🙏 🇲🇽
Nice try but ours comes in a dozen. Looks like they already shrinkflation yours.
Yo what kinda broke ass chickens they got that only lay 10 eggs.
Hey now, it’s winter so the chickens can slack a little.
I buy them by the 18 pack. We eat eggs. Reminds me, I need to go make some eggs.
US refrigerators have an “egg shelf”. You have to buy eggs by the dozen because that’s what refrigerators are designed for. Who can afford leaving a useless shelf empty - we already have that problem with the butter shelf
An egg shelf sounds like such a waste. Mine doesn’t have that luckily. It’s an old fridge though.
Who keeps their eggs in a fucking fridge?
In the US eggs are washed which then means you need to keep them cold.
The same people who don’t use the metric system for a dozen eggs
For the low price of €5,70, these could be yours.
why is one so much lighter than the others
We still believe in diversity 👐
They vary by bird. Easier to notice variation with my hens for example:
Thankfully I cleaned the kitchen soon after this photo.
The chicken drank bleach to cure COVID
I didn’t know eggs come in metric outside of the US.
Me neither. We do dozens in Australia.
I mean, what if someone needs a quarter of a carton? Or even a third? Didn’t think about that did they.
Curse these Europeans with their fancy metric numbers.
You can also buy packs of 15 (and 6), so thirds are possible :)
I’ve also seen a 4-pack.
We’re suffering egg-mageddon here and they want to exploit the situation to go metric? /s
In NZ we get them in 6’s, 8’s, 10’s, the classic 12, a 15 box and a 30 crate.
Ah if your not American, then why are the eggs in the fridge?
Because sometimes the house gets up to 26°C inside when it’s 43.6°C outside, like last week.
Where do you live that it’s 40 degrees??
If only it was 40°C, that would be a common summer’s day.
That day, the road I drove home on was 51°C at 16:00 and the overnight temperature didn’t drop below 27.2°C.
So, yes, eggs in the fridge.
Source: I live in Perth, Western Australia.
Ah, Australia. That explains it.
Yeah, if they don’t keep them in the fridge the koalas steal them…
Well, yes, that too.
Mind you, I’ve seen instances where the spiders will fight them for it.
Who ever down voted this better watch out, the koalas will be on to you, mate
Straya, possibly?
Also, they will keep longer in the fridge, even though you don’t need to.
Straya very much!
Lots of places have that. Mostly around the equator, and much of the southern hemisphere since it’s deep summer right now
I dunno, my family is weird.
Eggs are also refrigerated in Denmark, that’s why we used to be such a great ally to the US.
Living in Aus during a heatwave, I’d rather my eggs remain raw and cold until I’m ready to cook them, rather than them spontaneously cooked in the pantry lol
Do people not refrigerate their eggs? I live in Australia and we always have them in the fridge.
Depends on if the eggs get washed or not
US eggs are washed and will rot on the counter, most other countries do not and so it really doesn’t matter (I could have whether the washing is done or not backwards tbf, but I know it has to do with that)
UK here - it’s common not to. I think they technically will last longer in the fridge, but they’re absolutely fine kept out.
Eggs aren’t refrigerated in the UK. They are sold on normal shop shelves and people put them in their cupboards
I’m in aus (Newy), and we don’t use the fridge, even in summer. Never had a problem.
We put eggs in the fridge. What are ya trying to say??? My eggs ain’t good enough for ya???
They are. Cone over, I’m making tariff themed omelettes on the cheap!!
Similarly to pineapples being a display object for wealth, I can see the time when we, rich Europeans would throw parties for US citizens having a single egg on a pedestal on the dinner table.
Easter is about to get weird soon.
Stop showing off your immense wealth.
Mmm they look so affordable
You can’t afford my eggs, traveller, my eggs are too strong for you!
Egg man, I’m telling you, I’m going to have breakfast and I need only your strongest eggs!
You fool, Americans have been emigrating! I can see all the eggs from Greenwich Mean Time. I can see a few on my counter! I’m scarfing eggs like Gaston over here.
Still can’t seem to get hollandaise sauce right though. That poor butter… 😔
I sorta thought that even if egg prices in the USA were high the global prices must be too but then someone sent me a picture of prices in Germany - they’re literally 1/10th the price
Eggs are produced domestically most places, which softens global price sensitivity
I pay 3 euros for a dozen to a local farm here in Germany
Yup. I bought 15 eggs at Lidl in sweden yesterday fro 29:90 sek (2.5 euro)
Yeah the price at their Edeka was €2.79 for 18 eggs
Not every place has a problem with avian flu - culling entire flocks are meant to prevent that from happening
You bastard. Some of us are insomniacs
Denmark checking in, it was like $3 USD for 10 eggs yesterday, and Denmark isn’t cheap
Do not taunt them or they will further erode their meager anti-bird flu measures and bring us a 2nd pandemic with Trump as “leader of the free world”