Does this feel like actual advertising to anyone else?
Not at all, but I am craving Cinnabon™
With its hot gooey layers of cinnamon and dough draped in sensuous icing how could we all not crave Cinnabon™?
Honestly the joke only works with a few brands, because of how situational they are. You could maybe substitute a pretzel place.
How about no brand or a fake brand? If you replace Cinnabon with something like Cinnabun then it removes any semblance of real-world advertising while still getting your point across.
It’d have to imply that brand to be funny. The gag is that you only seem to encounter these kinds of… restaurateurs?.. in airports or dead malls. You could make a similar joke about watching CNN, but it only properly lands if you know it’s about CNN. Otherwise it is, at best, a non sequitur.
Also, why the fuck is there no N in the middle of “restaurateurs?”
Cause it’s French. And I do not believe that if you replace the name with a similar one that the joke wouldn’t land the same. They’d still land even if the GameSpot and Cinnabin names are slightly replaced, because then we’ll just use our brains to figure out what they are referencing.
we’ll just use our brains to figure out what they are referencing.
That’s not better.
You can’t insist any mention is awful corporate propaganda, and then assert you’d recognize which corporations are being referenced, without being named.
Coca-Loca. Can you solve this great mystery Mr. Thinking-is-hard. Also I just said it felt like an ad, not that corporations should not be referenced ever.
Jackass - what’s the difference between saying Sony and saying Sorny? It’s not any less of a reference to a specific brand.
And the very direct reference is part of the joke when a comic is about how generally irrelevant the brand is, outside of specific contexts.
This was last posted on October 23, 2023 on the author’s Instagram account.
Posting this now after what happened in DC, in Philadelphia, and the Philippines is insensitive.
I know a person who had an Instagram account that passed recently. It’s a little insensitive for you to bring it up so close to their passing.
I knew a person once.
how dare you bring up this painful memory.
I had a working memory once. I think.
I apologize. My condolences.
I forgot how there wasn’t any plane crashes until recently.
This isn’t dunking on anyone or harming anyone. It’s not punching down. It’s making fun of Cinnabon (and of marketing), not plane crashes. I think your comment is a bit over-the-top.
I would agree it’s not insensitive. However, if it’s making fun of advertising, why use the actual stylized brand name?
Posting this after what happened to Orville Wright and Thomas Selfridge… smdh
Quit crying, snowflake. You must be a republican.