“Left Vs Right Battle Royale Open Thread” Rules tl;dr
- No lefties, only liberals
- Muhahaha
Le epic win!
to normal people it comes off as cultish
You read this post and start to wonder maybe their best censorship is the self censorship that comes from having to read the awful content.
Like those subs trying to look like both sides, like true unpopularopinion, newnormal,etc
r/Conservative is particularly interesting right now. Moderation can’t keep up with the rate that they’ve been attacking each other for not being ‘true’ conservatives (and these are flaired users: the regulars who have been vetted by the mods). It’s like a litmus test for MAGA’s cohesion
The amount of Russian bots, around half of the comments on the sub are
Definitely. Quite a few are obvious, most are not so obvious because MAGATs sound like broken records anyway; but some are very clearly humans, die hard MAGATs, who are feeling betrayed right now by Trump’s antics and the state of the country. Never thought I’d see the day.
Either that, or everyone is a bot and nothing is real anymore (also likely?)
What is the T in MAGAT? Trumpist?
The T doesn’t stand for anything. The word is pronounced similarly to maggot, so MAGAT draws a connection between MAGA and maggots. It would just look weird to leave the T lowercase in MAGAt.
Eh, I kind of disagree. If the whole word isn’t an acronym, then the formatting of letters matters. MAGAts is fine.
Wasn’t Yosoff on Lemmy for awhile after the API ditch?
If he was, can’t imagine why he left. Id also suspect they never did.
He probably felt Lemmy was too liberal.
Although as Stephen Colbert pointed out: reality has a liberal bias.
You are the 3rd person to use this word on this page. Each one with a completely different meaning. From “heavily Conservative (US style conservative)” to “lightly socialist”.
And yet, nobody used it with a “person that don’t want to stop other people doing things that don’t impact them” meaning.
I’m sick and tired of this Canadian stereotype about apologizing. Fuck off, how about.