The Chinese government has in recent years established many concentration camps in Xinjiang, or in their term, “vocational re-education and training centers”, for imprisoning local ethnic minorities and dissidents. Unlike regular imprisonment or detention, people are held here without any prior court trial The period of their imprisonment is no longer determined by courts but becomes endless.

  • Preston Maness ☭
    22 years ago

    You’re right. They should just let terrorism run amuck instead. Or take the American route and bomb the region into the stone age rather than re-educate those that can and imprison those that can’t.

    • @xelar@lemmy.mlOP
      02 years ago

      Seems “logical” to imprison all people for their ethnicity, because some might have terrorism tendencies.

  • @Kulun
    12 years ago

    Kudos, this guy took a big personal risk trying to reveal what’s not supposed to go public.

    -52 years ago

    I feel sorry for people who have to live under such a despotic regime. Now with China’s economy starting to fail, it’s becoming increasingly repressive, and the outlook for citizens is bleak.

            -32 years ago

            The problem is, whether true or not it is irrelevant. If we talk about China’s despotism, the propagandists can only seek a diversion because they don’t have a way to defend the immoral actions of the Chinese state, so it’s all, “Look at that man over there!” It’s childish and it works on idiots, of course.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          32 years ago

          There’s nothing to defend in China, only brainswashed Americans who guzzle propaganda all day think that China is the problem when their own shithole country is destroying the whole world. America will always build a better idiot.